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May 1997


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Jack Crawford <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 May 1997 15:38:27 -0500
text/plain (103 lines)
Doug--following is some more info to help you select a training facility,
and to explain to you how we do business.

Training can be provided several ways.  We at the EMPF could customize a
training plan incorporating your in house specifications.  Then, we would
train the employees and provide certification that they meet these

If you do not have an in-house specification we can provide training in
IPC-A-610B or J-STD-001, or any other spec you identify as desirable to
you.  We would typically start with an "off-the-shelf" 610 or J-STD-001
training program, both of which have an Instructor training component and a
Worker Proficiency component.

The Instructor training course trains individuals to conduct training to
present or future
employees.  We are designated as a Master Training Site by the IPC for the
610 courses, and are bound by contract to some defined guidelines if we are
going to provide "610" certification. We can, however, modify that training
under a different name, and with OUR OWN rather than IPC certification. We
have done this in the past the meet the requirements of a company that also
has to work to NASA specifications. We would provide lesson plans for the
Instructor and a set of approx. 600 color 35mm slides (for the 610
training) or b/w masters to make transparencies (J-STD). Of course, we
could provide color transparencies or color 35mm slides for the J-STD or a
custom developed course, but the color slides aren't included in the basic
J-STD course we provide.

Of course, the least expensive is to use an "off the shelf" course, but
this may not meet all your needs, or it may provide training that is
superfluous to your companies needs. Our J-STD Instructor Training is
specifically built to be tailorable by your instructors. This gives the
instructor all the materials he/she needs to immediately start your
training program.  To meet IPC requirements, the 610 document needs to be
covered completely but the J-STD- can be divided into different modules.
Each module lasts one day and includes:  (1) General information (no
hands-on, can be stand-a-lone, and is required as prior to any of the other
four modules), (2) wires and terminals, (3) through-hole assemblies, (4)
surface mount assemblies, and (5) inspection.  Modules 2-5 all include
hands-on to develop the minimum skills required to train others.  There is
no "hands-on" component for the 610 course, unless it were customized and
identified as something else. To reiterate, that would preclude providing
the IPC certification, but we could provide our own.

CERTIFICATION FOR THE J-STD-100B. I have seen some advertisements that
"suggest" otherwise, so be careful as you are shopping.

We also have a variety of courses ready to teach immediately that cover
through-hole and surface mount rework and repair, surface mount
manufacturing, no-clean process implementation, ball grid array
manufacturing and rework, instructional techniques, printed wire board
repair, SPC for Short Runs, and wave solder principles.

The EMPF Learning Center has a proven success record in building custom
training programs. We have done this for many companies, using their
workmanship standards, and training their employees. Depending on the
desires of the company we are working with, we typically provide theory
lecture, test the employees for comprehension and understanding, and then
we go to the production floor or work lab for hands-on training so they can
develop and  demonstrate proficiency in their job tasks.  We work closely
with the trainees during this period to "nip in the bud" any poor practices
that might impact on product reliability, and the instructor offers
suggestions for improvements as needed. The end goal is to certify the
employees IF they perform satisfactorily.  This is NOT a given
certification, they must demonstrate proficiency.

The most expedient method is to conduct existing training, either to some
of your employees at one of our regularly scheduled classes, or to a group
of your employees at your facility.

We would appreciate the time to discuss this further, and show you examples
of previous efforts. You can contact our Learning Center through the
HelpLine at 317.655.3688, and of course, we can have additional dialogue by
e-mail. We also invite you to visit our web site at

Thank you for this opportunity to discuss our capabilities.

Jack Crawford


Jack Crawford, HelpLine Coordinator
Electronics Mfg. Productivity Facility
****FAX  317-655-3699
714 N Senate Ave, Suite 100
Indianapolis IN  46202-3112
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