March 1998


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BKDoughty1 <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
DesignerCouncil E-Mail Forum.
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 10:25:22 EST
text/plain (34 lines)
Good Morning Designers & Tech Heads,
     I'm in need of some information, and I thought I could ask here. I've
designed one flex circuit and now they (The powers that be) want to put more
components on it [Story of my life, I'm sure other designers would agree with
     Anyway, If there are any fabricators or anyone in the know out there that
can help me I would appreciate it. I need to thin out my traces to get yet
another component on my layout but I already have a bottleneck happrening. Can
anyone give me some pointers or tell me how thin traces can go on a flex
circuit without driving the price up at the board house...I need input. My
bosses want to know how long this change will take start to finish. I can't
even tell them how long it will take me to figure out how lonng it will take
me.......PLEASE HELP

                I Thank anyone in advance for their help and offer them my
first born  :)


                     Brian K. Doughty
                     Numonics Corporation

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