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March 2022


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Yuan-chia Joyce Koo <[log in to unmask]>
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TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, Yuan-chia Joyce Koo <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Mar 2022 16:37:26 -0500
text/plain (38 lines)
if it is for wire bonding, dry air is not good enough.  (unless you  
use it within 2-3 wks... you will see yield goes down... IMHO).
On Mar 2, 2022, at 7:52 AM, Tempea, Ioan wrote:

> Dear Technet,
> Obviously Nitrogen purged cabinets are the best thing to have for  
> storage of bare die and even packaged components.
> But do you have any experience showing that dry air purged  
> cabinets, properly controlled, are not up to the task?
> Thanks,
> Ioan Tempea
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