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March 2022


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TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
Wed, 30 Mar 2022 19:24:37 +0000
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I already talked to Clumpy and Kloumpios. They are on their way to my cabin. We are going ice fishing. The only work they have to do is bring me another Carlsberg every so often and help clean all the fish we are going to catch this weekend. They even have a 4-day temporary license. It sounds like they don't want to go to Bhanu's house, LOL! But I will make sure they do.
Thanks! That was fun. I agonized over the element Carbon, because although everything is made of carbon, just how would the old timers know what it was? The only way I could see them using it was in the form of soot.
I could envision objects smelted out of the noble metals and tin utensils, etc, and sodium in the form of salt, but...carbon?

-----Original Message-----
From: TechNet <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Hillman, David D Collins
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 2:14 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [TN] Element Quiz Answer

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The Element Quiz winner gets the services of our outstanding/amazing gnomes Clumpy and Kloumpios for the week (they have had their vaccination shots and can follow any covid-19 protocols the winner decides).

The Question:

This week the question is going to be a bit more hazy than normal. There are 11 elements that are listed in my references as "known to the ancients" meaning no specific individual is acknowledged as "discovering" the element. The quiz this week is name those 11 elements.

The Answer:

The eleven elements are: Sb, Bi, C, Cu, Au, Fe, Pb, Hg, Ag, S and Sn. There are two elements, Pt and Zn, which were known in ancient times but have modern "discovery" assignments. Three possible ways to sleuth out the answers without using Google - eliminate the elements that are highly reactive or very inert (that eliminates Na, K, etc. and He, Ne, etc.), eliminate the elements that are extremely stable as oxides (that eliminates Al, Si, etc.) or look for the elements abbreviations that have "old" names such as Ag (argentum) or Hg (hydrargyrus). After tabulating the results, Richard Stadem and Bhanu Sood are our winners. Joyce Koo gets honorable mention.

The winner of the Quiz is Richard Stadem and Bhanu Sood will get the assistance of the boys for the week. Please let us know what tasks you have for the boys to keep them busy.


Week 1: Bhanu Sood, NASA

Week 2: Eddie Hofer, Collins Aerospace

Week 3: John Maxwell

Week 4: Scott Decker, Collins Aerospace

Week 5: Russell Kido, Practical Components

Week 6: James Head, PCB Design Engineer and Bhanu Sood, NASA

Week 7: Denny Fritz, consultant

Week 8: Dean Vinke, Blue Canyon Tech

Week 9: Richard Stadem, GD

Week 10: Scott Decker, Collins Aerospace

Week 11: Eray CANLI, Volocopter GmbH

Week 12: Guy Ramsey

Week 13: Scott Decker, Collins Aerospace

Week 14: Bhanu Sood, NASA

Week 15: Graham Naisbitt, Gen3 Systems

Week 16: Dave Bealer, Watch Fire Signs

Week 17: Torsten Hagge, Tronic One

Week 18: Ben Gumpert, Lockheed Martin

Week 19: Bhanu Sood, NASA

Week 20: Russell Kido, Practical Components

Week 21: Tom Carroll, Boeing

Week 22: Bhanu Sood, NASA and Dick Krug, retired

Week 23: Joyce Koo, IDirect

Week 24: Eddie Hofer, Collins Aerospace

Week 25: Dean Vinke, Blue Canyon Tech

Week 26:  Richard Stadem, GD and Bhanu Sood, NASA