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July 2013


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黃志宏 副處長 Leo <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
黃志宏 副處長 Leo <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Jul 2013 12:04:28 +0800
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Dear 陳sir

IPC-J-STD-033C 中文版目前未發行.上週技術組已經進行討論完成


-----Original Message-----
From: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of ??——??科技?量部
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:58 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [TGAsia] 环境温湿度的标准


  谁有J-STD-033C 标准的中文版啊?急盼,谢谢。
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "陈欢——华阳科技质量部" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:43 AM
Subject: 环境温湿度的标准

> dear  all:
>  IPC中环境温湿度的标准是多少?急盼回复,谢谢各位!
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Gillian Tong" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 1:16 PM
> Subject: [TGAsia] 引线共面性标准,锡膏厚度如何定义较合理,需考虑哪些因素
> Hi, ALL
> 麻烦问下,有哪位公司用到附件图片Connector吗,供应商是Portwell?
> 测原材料共面性在0.1mm偏差范围内,有人能告知这类元件共面性有何要求?
> 还有常见锡膏厚度规格如何定义,还望有高人指导,谢谢!
> **************************************
> Scanfil(Suzhou) Co,Ltd
> Phone:+86 0512-67168867(6810)
>  Tel:+86 15895415372   
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> **************************************
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Mary LI
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 12:35 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [TGAsia] 答复: [TGAsia] 答复: 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
>    其实,不论是“再流焊”,还是“回流焊”的翻译,在字典上是不会有什么结果,英英字典上是用英文解释,
> 最终中文意义还是通过翻译而成定局,加之随着技术的进步,语言随之出现新词汇。10年前,内地业界使用“再流焊”一词较多,而“回流焊”在广东和港台地区较多使用,尽管在T-50中被定义为“再流焊”,但是当时“再流焊”和“回流焊”同时都在使用。由于电子组装业在华南起步早,所以后来就沿用了“回流焊”一词,而“再流焊”的应用显得越来越少。
>    十几年前,我参加了中国电子科技集团公司标准化研究所对T-50名词术语的开发和翻译工作,确实工作量大,
> 而且业界对许多术语,众说不一,此标准在评审时邀请了业界的一些专家参加,讨论激烈,各抒己见。
>   Mary
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 代表 Porco Pan
> 发送时间: 2013年7月22日 12:03
> 收件人: TGAsia
> 主题: Re: [TGAsia] 答复: 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> Dear Abao
> 我的mail中下方有一系列的reflow字出現不同年代的用法,可以從其中去尋找reflow的來源
> 至於明確的單字定義,我查過幾個著名的英英線上字典都沒有比較好的定義解釋
> 我確認reflow指的是熱風而非錫的熔融狀態是因為reflow temp.的關係
> 而且我以前念化工系時從來沒有聽過形容金屬的物理相態變化為"來回的"
> Best Regards
> Porco Pan
> Director
> EBG CIPO Continue Improve Program Office Plant 1 Process Mechanical Engineering / Quality Assurance Department
> Wistron InfoComm (Zhongshan) Corporation Cell phone: +86 15016168852
> Extension: +86 760 23382382 #2858
> Enterprise internal mobile number: 63888
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Liang, Abao [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 11:52 AM
> To: Porco Pan/WZS/Wistron; [log in to unmask]
> Subject: RE: [TGAsia] 答复: 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> Dear Proco
> 谢谢解答。
> 相信大家已经知道最开始问题的答案:为什么叫做回流焊---是Reflow的翻译
> 然而引出的另外一个问题:前面有的解答Reflow是指金相的再次熔合,有的指热风的回流?不太清楚哪个是合适的解答。我开始也是根据reflow的特点,以为就是热风回流呢。
> 下面引用的Reflow原意描述了Reflow是什么样子的工艺,没有在上面这两者做出区别,不知道英文原来是否有更加明确的解释? Thanks
> Abao.Liang
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Porco Pan
> Sent: 2013年7月22日 11:17
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [TGAsia] 回复: [TGAsia] 答复: 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> Dear IPC會員大眾
> 各位好,我是T-50中文翻譯技術組主席: 潘宏濤
> 針對IPC-50H中文翻譯reflow為[再流焊]其實我個人是有不同意見,六年前當我還不是T-50主席時,其實我也與IPC &業界眾多翻譯者,針對reflow做過激烈討論,不過當年志願者當中多數贊成翻譯為[再流焊]而且當時引述T-50的標準翻譯也是再流焊,所以我當年也不便與大家爭論,畢竟我當時閱歷尚淺,人脈也不多,對業界狀況了解不夠自信
> 去年底我正式接下T-50的技術文件翻譯主席工作,才發現這真是一件非常非常繁瑣,工作量超大和意義重大的任務,因為T-50對眾多電子業內名詞翻譯有著高影響力
> 回歸正題
> Reflow的英文原意(Webster's Online Dictionary)
> Reflow may refer to:
> 1. Reflow soldering, the most common means to attach a surface mounted component to a circuit board.
> 2. HTML Reflow, the process by which the geometry of the layout engine's formatting objects are computed.[1] "Notes on HTML Reflow", Mozilla, accessed 21 May 2007.
> 我個人認為reflow指的是加熱方式,也就是熱風的流動(細節可以參考下列過去十年間reflow字的使用方式)
> 所以SMT設備名稱從最早的IR oven(紅外線烤箱) => IR reflow(紅外線熱風烤箱) => reflow (熱風回流焊接爐)
> 而flow指的就是風的流動, reflow指熱風在加熱爐中回流
> 所以我個人決定將會在T-50J的例行翻譯周會中提出修正此翻譯方式(此例會中也包含多位不同IPC規範的技術組主席),一旦通過reflow翻譯為回流焊,將全面改寫IPC所有技術文件的翻譯方式,屆時如有影響各位業界朋友慣用語時,請大家包涵並支持正確的翻譯,謝謝
> Select Timeline: reflow
> Year Event
> 1991 Louisiana State Univ. Medical Center: Sponsored research "Experimental Brain Missile Wound: Ascertaining Pathophysiology and Evaluating Treatments to Lower Mortality and Morbidity. - Annual rept. 14 Apr 90-13 Apr 91 (Final)." Sponsored by: Louisiana State Univ. Medical Center, New Orleans. Written by M. E. Carey. Abstract: Cerebral ischemia does not occur following a brain wounding provided that ICP is < 60 mmHg. Rather focal hyperperfusion occurs. Mechanical and chemical control of CBF are disturbed following brain wounding but these disturbances have wide regional variations. The missile-wounded brain may show severe CBF reductions with even a mild fall in MABP. No reflow follows cerebral ischemic occurring after brain wounding. Brain wounding is associated with decreased brain stem and hypothalamic biogenic amines especially epinephrine. This seems to be a part of a generalized stress response. Free radicals appear in the brain within minutes of brain injury. Additional references: Louisiana State Univ. Medical Center, Experimental Brain Missile Wound, Ascertaining Pathophysiology and Evaluating Treatments, Lower Mortality and Morbidity, Final. Sponsored, Louisiana State Univ, Medical Center.
> 1991 Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.: Sponsored research "Furukawa Review No. 9, August 1991." Sponsored by: Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan). Abstract: Partial Contents: InGaAs/GaAs Strained Layer Quantum Well Lasers; Nb3Sn Compound Superconductors for Use in High-Field Magnets; Thermal Cycling Behavior of Ni-Ti-Cu Shape Memory Alloy Coil Springs; Mechanical Properties of Al-Li Alloys; Recrystallization Behavior Following Hot Rolling of Al-Mn Alloys; A High-Performance Titanium Heat-Transfer Tube; Efcell Semiconductive Expanded Polypropylene Foam Sheet; Properties of Heat-Resistant Aluminum-Alloy Conductors for Overhead Power-Transmission Lines; A Fault-Location System for Overhead Power Transmission Lines; Transmission Cables for Local Area Networks; Cables For Audio Systems; Large-Current Composite Printed Circuit Boards for Large Power Applications; Development of a Bevel Roll Mill; Development of Reflow Furnace. Additional references: Partial Contents, GaAs Strained Layer Quantum Well Lasers, Nb3Sn Compound Superconductors, Field Magnets, Performance Titanium Heat, Transfer Tube, Efcell Semiconductive Expanded Polypropylene Foam Sheet, Properties of Heat, Resistant Aluminum, Alloy Conductors, Overhead Power, Location System, Overhead Power Transmission Lines, Transmission Cables, Local Area Networks, Current Composite Printed Circuit Boards, Large Power Applications, Bevel Roll Mill, Development of Reflow Furnace.
> 1992 Sandia National Labs.: Sponsored research "Evaluation of the blind lap joint for the surface mount attachment of chip components." Sponsored by: Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by P. T. Vianco and J. F. Dal Porto. Abstract: Blind lap solder joints were used to attach leadless ceramic chip resistors to polyimidequartz circuit boards. Hand soldering and vapor phase reflow techniques were evaluated. The solder was 62Sn-36Pb-2Ag (wt.%). The integrity of the solder joints was assessed by microstructural examination and room temperature shear tests. These analyses were performed on as-fabricated circuit boards as well as an those samples exposed to thermal cycling (308 cycles; (minus)55(degree) to 125(degree)C; 6(degree)C/min ramps; 120 min hold periods;) or thermal shock (100 cycles, (minus)55(degree)C to 125(degree)C; liquid-to-liquid transfer; 10 min hold periods). In all cases, microscopy revealed no cracks within the solder joints. The shear strengths of the joints were 13.4 lb (59 N), as-fabricated; 10.5 lb (47 N), 308 thermal cycles; and 14.0 lb (62 N), 100 thermal shock cycles. All values were well within acceptability limits for the particular application. Measurements of the intermetallic compound thicknesses at the copper land/solder interface indicated that the additional heating cycle of the hand soldering step decreased the layer thickness as compared to non-hand soldered joints. The successful implementation of the blind lap joint can provide increased device densities on circuit boards by reducing bonding pad extension beyond the ceramic chip foot print. Additional references: Department of Energy.
> 1993 Oesterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf G.m.b.H. Hauptabteilung Angewandte Physik.: Sponsored research "Kontamination von Fluessigmetall-Indium Ionenemittern (Contamination of Liquid Metal Ludium Ion Emitters)." Sponsored by: Oesterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf G.m.b.H. Hauptabteilung Angewandte Physik. Written by A. Sieber, M. Fehringer, F. G. Ruedenauer and W. Steiger. Abstract: Liquid metal indium ion emitters (LMIS), burning against a stainless steel collector exhibit gradual changes in operating parameters. For a voltage stabilized emitter, the current is slowly decreasing; for a current stabilized emitter, the operating voltage is increasing. These instabilities may cause problems during long-time operation of an LMIS, e.g., in space applications. Regeneration of such poisioned emitters (high operating voltage at given current) usually is possible by operating the LMIS at elevated current for a short time. Poisioning is attributed to contamination of the emitter needle by material backsputtered from collector and electrodes. Electron microprobe analysis of a needle clearly shows high concentrations of Fe and Cr with exception of the apex area, where the indium is clean. The contaminations freeze in plate-like structures under which indium is flowing towards the apex. Due to breakage of the plates and reflow of indium, the metal film on the needle is a multilayer film, indium-rich layers alternating with contamination-rich layers. Additional references: Indium Ionenemittern, Oesterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf G.m.b, Hauptabteilung Angewandte Physik.
> 1993 Army Armament Research and Development Center: Sponsored research "Solderability of Surface Mount Devices." Sponsored by: Army Armament Research and Development Center, Dover, NJ. Fire Support Armament Center. Written by N. S. Holder. Abstract: As electronic products become much smaller, a limiting factor in the reduction of product size has been the size of electronic components which make up the product. The leads of the current electronic components are inserted onto a printed circuit board through holes. Due to the use of wire leads, it becomes more difficult to decrease the size of the components. A new method was created to mount components directly to the surface of the printed circuit board. This new technique is surface mount technology. A concern over the use of this is experienced by the military. Since the leads are not inserted through the board and crimped before soldering as conventional components are mounted, there is some regard as to whether the components can be mounted securely to the board. Due to the high forces that many munitions experience when dispensed, it is imperative that the electronic components be soldered to the circuits boards so they will not slip out of place or fall from the board. The military also requires many munitions to lie dormant in storage warehouses for up to 20 years. When the munition is needed, it must perform reliably. Little work has been done to study the effects of this long-term storage on these surface mount devices particularly the ability of different soldering techniques used to attach surface mount components to printed circuit boards to withstand damaging effects of long-term storage. Surface mount technology, Solderability, Wave soldering, Reflow soldering, Conductive adhesive curing, Long-term storage, Accelerated age testing. Additional references: Solderability of Surface Mount Devices. Sponsored, Army Armament Research and Development Center, Fire Support Armament Center.
> 1993 Sandia National Labs.: Sponsored research "Logistics for the implementation of lead-free solders on electronic assemblies." Sponsored by: Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by P. T. Vianco and I. Artaki. Abstract: The prospects of legislative and regulatory action aimed at taxing, restricting or banning lead-bearing materials from manufactured products has prompted the electronics community to examine the implementation of lead-free solders to replace currently used lead-containing alloys in the manufacture of electronic devices and assemblies. The logistics for changing the well established ''tin-lead solder technology'' require not only the selection of new compositions but also the qualification of different surface finishes and manufacturing processes. The meniscometer/wetting balance technique was used to evaluate the wettability of several candidate lead-free solders as well as to establish windows on processing parameters so as to facilitate prototype manufacturing. Electroplated and electroless 100Sn coatings, as well as organic preservatives, were also examined as potential alternative finishes for device leads and terminations as well as circuit board conductor surfaces to replace traditional tin-lead layers. Sandia National Laboratories and AT&T have implemented a program to qualify the manufacturing feasibility of surface mount prototype circuit boards using several commercial lead-free solders by infrared reflow technology. Additional references: Department of Energy.
> 1994 Allied-Signal Aerospace Co.: Sponsored research "Survivability of soldered leadless chip carriers after temperature cycling." Sponsored by: Allied-Signal Aerospace Co., Kansas City, MO. Kansas City Div.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by L. R. Zawicki, B. W. Lenhardt and F. R. Smith. Abstract: Temperature cycling evaluations were conducted on leadless chip carriers (LCCs) soldered to thick film networks (TKNs). Various temperature ranges, rates of change, cycle times, number of cycles, and sizes of LCCs were used. The TKNs were attached to metal backing plates with 63Sn/37Pb solder preforms using an infrared vacuum soldering process. The LCCs were attached to Pt/Au TKNs with 63Sn/37Pb solder paste using a belt reflow process. Visual examination and cross-sectional analysis were used to evaluate the survivability. Results were also correlated with finite elemental analysis. Considering the initial results, possible solutions included changing the solder from 63Sn/37Pb to 50Pb/50In, deleting the metal backplate, changing the rate of change in the temperature cycle, and/or adding leads to the large LCCs. Because of a system requirement, the rate of change in the temperature cycle could not be changed. Since there was no long term reliability information on the Pt/Au TKN with 50Pb/50In solder, this option was also dropped. Additional evaluations showed little difference in the survivability of large LCC solder joints with or without the metal backing plate. The final results indicated that LCCs beyond a certain physical size required compliant leads to survive the temperature cycle requirements. Additional references: Kansas City, Department of Energy.
> 1994 Sandia National Labs.: Sponsored research "Temperature-humidity-bias aging technique to identify defective surface mount capacitors." Sponsored by: Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by R. Chanchani. Abstract: Ceramic chip capacitors can potentially crack due to thermal stresses in a surface mount assembly process. The electrical performance of the cracked capacitors will degrade with time, and they will prematurely short. In high reliability applications, the cracked capacitors must be identified and eliminated. We have developed and demonstrated the temperature-humidity-bias (THB) aging technique to identify cracked capacitors. The initial phase of the study involved setting up automated test equipment to monitor 100 surface mounted capacitors at 85% relative humidity, 85(degree)C with 50 volts dc bias. The capacitors subjected to severe thermal shock were aged along with control samples. Failure mode analysis was done on the failed capacitors. The capacitors with surface cracks short-out within the first 8 hours of aging, whereas the capacitors that failed after a longer aging time (8 to 1000 hours) had a shorting path in an internal void. Internal voids are typical defects introduced during manufacturing of multilayer ceramic (MLC) capacitors. In the second phase of the study, we used the THB aging technique to study the effect of surface mount processes on capacitor cracking and, thus the reliability. The surface mount processes studied were vapor phase, infra-red (IR) and convection belt reflow soldering. The results shoed that 6.3% of vapor phase soldered capacitors, and 1.25% of the IR and convection belt soldered capacitors had cracks. In all capacitors, regardless of the solder process used, an additional 3 to 4% of the capacitors failed due to a shorting path in the internal void. The results of this study confirm that this technique can be used to screen cracked capacitors and compare different solder and manufacturing processes. Additional references: Department of Energy.
> 1994 Lawrence Livermore National Lab.: Sponsored research "Automated fiber pigtailing technology." Sponsored by: Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by O. T. Strand, M. E. Lowry, S. Y. Lu, D. C. Nelson and D. J. Nikkel. Abstract: The high cost of optoelectronic (OE) devices is due mainly to the labor-intensive packaging process. Manually pigtailing such devices as single-mode laser diodes and modulators is very time consuming with poor quality control. The Photonics Program and the Engineering Research Division at LLNL are addressing several issues associated with automatically packaging OE devices. A furry automated system must include high-precision fiber alignment, fiber attachment techniques, in-situ quality control, and parts handling and feeding. This paper will present on-going work at LLNL in the areas of automated fiber alignment and fiber attachment. For the fiber alignment, we are building an automated fiber pigtailing machine (AFPM) which combines computer vision and object recognition algorithms with active feedback to perform sub-micron alignments of single-mode fibers to modulators and laser diodes. We expect to perform sub-micron alignments in less than five minutes with this technology. For fiber attachment, we are building various geometries of silicon microbenches which include on-board heaters to solder metal-coated fibers and other components in place; these designs are completely compatible with an automated process of OE packaging. We have manually attached a laser diode, a thermistor, and a thermo-electric heater to one of our microbenches in less than 15 minutes using the on-board heaters for solder reflow; an automated process could perform this same exercise in only a few minutes. Automated packaging techniques such as these will help lower the costs of OE devices. Additional references: Department of Energy, Engineering Research Division.
> 1995 Allied-Signal Aerospace Co.: Sponsored research "Telemetry engineering and fabrication alternative soldering techniques for CFC elimination." Sponsored by: Allied-Signal Aerospace Co., Kansas City, MO. Kansas City Div.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by R. V. Howard. Abstract: In an effort to eliminate the need for chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs) for several production assemblies in Telemetry Engineering and Fabrication, an alternate soldering reflow process to replace the current vapor phase system was needed. After analyzing IR, convection, and recovery vapor phase soldering reflow methods, it was discovered that an improved process would result from the implementation of a new convection reflow system. The convection oven reflow method was evaluated by collecting data from visual inspections, shear, push, and cross-section tests on several surface mount devices. Additional references: Kansas City, Department of Energy, Telemetry Engineering and Fabrication.
> 1996 Sandia National Labs.: Sponsored research "Cost comparison modeling between current solder sphere attachment technology and solder jetting technology." Sponsored by: Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by R. N. Davidson. Abstract: By predicting the total life-cycle cost of owning and operating production equipment, it becomes possible for processors to make accurate and intelligent decisions regarding major capitol equipment investments as well as determining the most cost effective manufacturing processes and environments. Cost of Ownership (COO) is a decision making technique based on inputting the total costs of acquiring, operating and maintaining production equipment. All quantitative economic and production data can be modeled and processed using COO software programs such as the Cost of Ownership Luminator program TWO COOL(trademark). This report investigated the Cost of Ownership differences between the current state-of-the-art solder ball attachment process and a prototype solder jetting process developed by Sandia National Laboratories. The prototype jetting process is a novel and unique approach to address the anticipated high rate ball grid array (BGA) production requirements currently forecasted for the next decade. The jetting process, which is both economically and environmentally attractive eliminates the solder sphere fabrication step, the solder flux application step as well as the furnace reflow and post cleaning operations. Additional references: Department of Energy, Cost of Ownership Luminator, Cost of Ownership, Sandia National Laboratories.
> 1996 Allied-Signal Aerospace Co.: Sponsored research "Characterization of printing and laser trimming of DuPont 2000 series resistors on DuPont 951 (open quotes)Green Tape(trademark)(close quotes)." Sponsored by: Allied-Signal Aerospace Co., Kansas City, MO. Kansas City Div.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by H. Morgenstern, S. Bandler and G. Barner. Abstract: DuPont 2000 series resistors were reviewed and found to come closest to our requirement of 1% resistor tolerance over the expected 30-year life of our products. The evaluation performed involved the characterization of both the printing and trimming processes. The printing process was characterized for firing temperature print thickness, print direction, resistor geometry and encapsulant effect. Laser trimming was characterized by first finding an operating envelope and then selecting an operating point. The envelope was located by varying the trimming parameters and determining their acceptability to electrical and visual criteria. Samples from both the envelope and operating point were environmentally conditioned The conditioning included thermal shock temperature cycle, 1000-hour temperature aging, 1000-hour humidity aging, and a simulated gold/tin solder reflow. Additional references: Green Tapetrademarkclose, Kansas City, Department of Energy.
> 1996 National Physical Lab.: Sponsored research "Influence of Solderability on Reliability in Electronic Assemblies." Sponsored by: National Physical Lab., Teddington (England).; Department of Trade and Industry, London (England). Written by C. Hunt. Abstract: The impact of solderability degradation on solder joint fatigue is discussed and exemplary data on ceramic chip resistors are given. Components were exposed, prior to assembly, to six ageing regimes to modify the solderability of the surface finish. Following the accelerated ageing for various times at 155 degrees C, components were assembled using no-clean reflow soldering. The solder fillets on these components ranged from unacceptable non-wetting to excellent wetting. The process yield was correlated with the solderability. Assemblies were then thermally cycled between -20 and 100 deg C. The results revealed that the thermal fatigue failure rate, as measured by electrical continuity of the resistors, is correlated with solderability. The relationship between solderability and solder fillet shape, and hence process yield, has been demonstrated, and in turn solderability and yield has been correlated with thermal fatigue properties. (Copyright (c) 1996 Crown.). Additional references: Influence of Solderability, Electronic Assemblies. Sponsored, Department of Trade and Industry.
> 1997 Sandia National Labs.: Sponsored research "Development of a hybrid microcircuit test vehicle for surface mount applications." Sponsored by: Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by C. L. Hernandez, F. M. Hosking and P. T. Vianco. Abstract: The technology drivers of the electronics industry continue to be systems miniaturization and reliability, in addition to addressing a variety of important environmental concerns. Surface mount technology (SMT) has evolved in response to these issues. Prototype hybrid test vehicles have been developed at Sandia National Laboratories to evaluate three lead-free solders for Au-Pt-Pd thick film soldering. The alloys are based on the Sn-Ag, Sn-Ag-Bi, and Sn-Ag-Bi-Au systems. Populated test vehicles with surface mount devices were designed and fabricated to evaluate actual solder joints. Pastes were screen printed on the test substrates and reflowed with the components in place. The test components consist of a variety of dummy chip capacitors and leadless ceramic chip carriers (LCC's). The development of the reflow profiles is discussed. Comprehensive defect analysis is also presented. Additional references: Department of Energy, Sandia National Laboratories.
> 1997 Allied-Signal Aerospace Co.: Sponsored research "Investigation into environmentally friendly alternative cleaning processes for hybrid microcircuits to replace vapor degreasing with 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Final report. - PROGRESS REPT." Sponsored by: Allied-Signal Aerospace Co., Kansas City, MO. Kansas City Div.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by B. E. Adams. Abstract: Two cleaning processes, one aqueous and one nonaqueous, were investigated as potential replacements for the vapor degreasing process using 1,1,1 trichloroethane (TCA) for hybrid microcircuit assemblies. The aqueous process was based upon saponification chemistry. A 10% solution of either Kester 5768 or Armakleen 2001, heated to 140 F, was sprayed on the hybrid at 450 psig and a flow rate of 5 gpm through a specially designed nozzle which created microdroplets. The nonaqueous process was based upon dissolution chemistry and used d-limonene as the solvent in an immersion and spray process. The d-limonene solvent was followed by an isopropyl alcohol spray rinse to remove the excess d-limonene. The aqueous microdroplet process was found to be successful only for solder reflow profiles that did not exceed 210 C. Furthermore, removal of component marking was a problem and the spray pressure had to be reduced to 130 psig to eliminate damage to capacitor end caps. The d-limonene cleaning was found to be successful for solder reflow temperature up to 250 C when using a four-step cleaning process. The four steps included refluxing the hybrid at 80 C, followed by soaking the hybrid in d-limonene which is heated to 80 C, followed by spray cleaning at 80 psig with room temperature d-limonene, followed by spray cleaning at 80 psig with room temperature IPA was developed to remove residual flux from the hybrid microcircuits. This process was the most robust and most closely matched the cleaning ability of TCA. Additional references: PROGRESS REPT. Sponsored, Kansas City, Department of Energy.
> 1998 USDOE: Sponsored research "Solder flow over fine line PWB surface finishes." Sponsored by: USDOE, Washington, DC. Written by F. M. Hosking and C. L. Hernandez. Abstract: The rapid advancement of interconnect technology has stimulated the development of alternative printed wiring board (PWB) surface finishes to enhance the solderability of standard copper and solder-coated surfaces. These new finishes are based on either metallic or organic chemistries. As part of an ongoing solderability study, Sandia National Laboratories has investigated the solder flow behavior of two azole-based organic solderability preservations, immersion Au, immersion Ag, electroless Pd, and electroless Pd/Ni on fine line copper features. The coated substrates were solder tested in the as-fabricated and environmentally-stressed conditions. Samples were processed through an inerted reflow machine. The azole-based coatings generally provided the most effective protection after aging. Thin Pd over Cu yielded the best wetting results of the metallic coatings, with complete dissolution of the Pd overcoat and wetting of the underlying Cu by the flowing solder. Limited wetting was measured on the thicker Pd and Pd over Ni finishes, which were not completely dissolved by the molten solder. The immersion Au and Ag finishes yielded the lowest wetted lengths, respectively. These general differences in solderability were directly attributed to the type of surface finish which the solder came in contact with. The effects of circuit geometry, surface finish, stressing, and solder processing conditions are discussed. Additional references: USDOE, Sandia National Laboratories.
> 1999 Sandia National Labs.: Sponsored research "Soldering of Thin Film-Metallized Glass Substrates." Sponsored by: Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by F. M. Hosking, C. L. Hernandez and S. J. Glass. Abstract: The ability to produce reliable electrical and structural interconnections between glass and metals by soldering was investigated. Soldering generally requires premetallization of the glass. As a solderable surface finish over soda-lime-silicate glass, two thin films coatings, Cr-Pd-Au and NiCr-Sn, were evaluated. Solder nettability and joint strengths were determined. Test samples were processed with Sn60-Pb40 solder alloy at a reflow temperature of 210 C. Glass-to-cold rolled steel single lap samples yielded an average shear strength of 12 MPa. Solder fill was good. Control of the Au thickness was critical in minimizing the formation of AuSn(sub 4) intermetallic in the joint, with a resulting joint shear strength of 15 MPa. Similar glass-to-glass specimens with the Cr-Pd-Au finish failed at 16.5 MPa. The NiCr-Sn thin film gave even higher shear strengths of 20-22.5 MPa, with failures primarily in the glass. Additional references: Soldering of Thin Film, Metallized Glass Substrates. Sponsored, Department of Energy.
> 2001 Helsinki Univ. of Technology: Sponsored research "Formation of the Intermetallic Compounds Between Liquid Sn Different Cu-Ni Metalization." Sponsored by: Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Espoo (Finland). Dept. of Electrical and Communications Engineering. Written by V. Vuorinen, T. M. Kohonen and J. K. Kivilahti. Abstract: Interfacial reactions between liquid tin and different Cu-Ni alloy metallizations as well as the subsequent phase transformations during the cooling were investigated with the emphasis on microstructures of the reaction zones. It was found out that the extent of microstructurally complex reaction layer during the reflow at 240 degrees C does not depend linearly on the Ni content of the alloy metallization. On the contrary, when nickel is alloyed with copper, the rate of the thickness change of the total reaction layer first increases and reaches the maximum at the composition of about 10 at-% Ni. The reaction layer is composed of continuous and relatively uniform (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 reaction layer, a uniphase layer, next to the NiCu metallizations and followed by the two-phase solidification structures between the uniphase layer and tin matrix. The thickness of the two-phase layer, where the intermetallic tubes or fibers have grown from the continuous interfacial (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 layer varies with the Ni-to-Cu ratio of the alloy metallization. In order to explain the formation mechanism of the reaction layers and their observed kinetics the phase equilibria in the tin-rich side of the SnCuNi system at 240 degrees C was evaluated thermodynamically by utilizing the available data and the results of the Sn/CuxNi. Additional references: Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Dept. of Electrical and Communications Engineering.
> 2002 California State Univ.: Sponsored research "Structure and Kinetics of Sn Whisker Growth on Pb-free Solder Finish." Sponsored by: California State Univ., Los Angeles.; Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Written by W. J. Choi, T. Y. Lee and K. N. Tu. Abstract: Standard leadframes used in surface mount technology are finished with a layer of eutectic SnPb for passivation and for enhancing solder wetting during reflow. When eutectic SnPb is replaced by Pb-free solder, especially the eutectic SnCu, a large number of Sn whiskers are found on the Pb-free finish. Some of the whiskers are long enough to become shorts between the neighboring legs of the leadframe. How to suppress their growth and how to perform accelerated test of Sn whisker growth are crucial reliability issues in the electronic packaging industry. In this paper, we report the study of spontaneous Sn whisker growth at room temperature on eutectic SnCu and pure Sn finishes. Both compressive stress and surface oxide on Sn are necessary conditions for whisker growth. Structure and stress analyses by using the micro-diffraction in synchrotron radiation are reported. Cross-sectional electron microscopy, with samples prepared by focused ion beam, are included. Additional references: Pbfree Solder Finish. Sponsored, Department of Energy.
> 2003 Texas Univ. at Austin. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.: Sponsored research "Surface Over-Melt during Laser Polishing of Indirect-SLS Metal Parts. - Conference proceedings." Sponsored by: Texas Univ. at Austin. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Written by J. A. Ramos, D. L. Bourell and J. J. Beaman. Abstract: Laser polishing of indirect-SLS parts made from 420 stainless powder infiltrated with bronze has been achieved using CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers. Two mechanisms have been previously proposed for the reduction in surface roughness, namely: shallow surface melting (SMM) and surface over-melt (SOM). In SMM reflow of the molten surface minimizes the peak-valley height driven by capillary pressure and liquid curvature. On the other hand, during SOM the melting depth is such that the entire surface becomes liquid and formation of surface periodical structures dominates driven by a surface tension gradient. This surface morphology was identified by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The onset of this regime is dictated by the energy density (i. e., ratio of laser power to scan speed and beam diameter) as well as the initial roughness R(a) value prior to laser surface polishing. In contrast with SMM, onset of the latter mechanism increases the roughness R(a) with speed reduction. A thermo-physical model is presented, signaling good agreement with roughness R(sub a) and characteristic surface wavelength results obtained for varying laser beam scan speeds. Understanding the surface over-melt mechanism is critical for determining the optimum polishing conditions that minimize roughness. Additional references: Surface Over, Laser Polishing of Indirect, Texas Univ, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.
> 2003 Systran Federal Corp.: Sponsored research "Aerospace Sensor Component and Subsystem Investigation and Innovation-2 Component Exploration and Development (ASCSII-2 CED) Delivery Order 0003: Hermetically Sealed Cavities in 3-D GaAs-Silicon and Silicon-Silicon Packages for Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) Devices Using Selective and Large-Scale Bonding. - Final rept. 7 Sep 2001-6 Sep 2002." Sponsored by: Systran Federal Corp., Dayton, OH. Written by A. P. Malshe. Abstract: Chip-scale bonding of GaAs-to-silicon and silicon-to-silicon to produce cavities for 3-D assembly of MEMS devices has been demonstrated using SnAgCu and eutectic SnPb solders. Laser and furnace reflow were used for region- selective and fast bonding of the chips, respectively, for 3-D assembly. For example, for GaAs-to-silicon bonding, lines of solder paste, 150 mm in width, were screen-printed onto silicon wafers to form square-shaped sealing rings as small as 2 by 2 mm. The solder line width was optimized to provide the smallest width, yet sufficient to ensure a hermetic seal. The solder was reflowed, and the wafer was diced into individual chips of various die sizes. The chips were then flipped onto gold-coated GaAs chips and again placed in the reflow oven at a temperature of up to 250 deg C for a total reflow time of 7 minutes. The bonded chips were then tested for hermeticity using MIL-STD-883E and by examining the sealed area after the separation of the chips using a pull test. For the case of selectively laser-bonded silicon-to-silicon chips, the structures exhibited excellent hermetic it and adhesion stren th with a uniform microcavity and uniform reflow of the solder. Additional references: Hermetically Sealed Cavities, Silicon and Silicon, Silicon Packages, Microelectromechanical System, MEMS Devices Using Selective and Large, Scale Bonding.
> Best Regards
> Porco Pan
> Director
> EBG CIPO Continue Improve Program Office Plant 1 Process Mechanical Engineering / Quality Assurance Department  Wistron InfoComm (Zhongshan) Corporation Cell phone: +86 15016168852
> Extension: +86 760 23382382 #2858
> Enterprise internal mobile number: 63888
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Leesha PENG Lixia
> Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 9:56 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [TGAsia] 回复: [TGAsia] 答复: 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> 英文中表示资金、人口回流意思的是哪个单词?似乎不是reflow吧。
> Peng Lixia
> GM, show&conference
> IPC Greater China
> Wellington Li <[log in to unmask]> 写道:
> 虽然怎么翻译都能理解。但是用社会学、经济学领域的含义来解释科技词汇,是否很有说服力?
> 窃以为不能因为“reflow”是个通用词汇就刻意回避和挑选汉字。这一点,IT行业就做的比我们好,Bug和Bus的翻译都很经典!
> Reflow在日本业界也有这两种翻译方法,但“回流焊”被更广泛使用。
> Best regards
> Wellington Li 李永江
> Assessor  审核员
> British Standards Institution 英国标准协会
> 发件人: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 代表 Liang, Abao
> 发送时间: 2013年7月19日 13:47
> 收件人: [log in to unmask]
> 主题: Re: [TGAsia] 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> 有前辈纠正,以下的解释我觉得才是正确的:
> ==================
> 回流焊/再流焊都是从英文reflow, 翻译而来。SMT工艺通过锡膏的reflow完成焊接这个过程。英文Reflow 是相对于波峰焊,也称之为 flow soldering而来的。手工焊接第一次叫flow solder,而补焊动作(touch up)让原处的焊料发生reflow.
> 中文翻译也有用重熔焊的。业界使用更为普遍的似乎是回流焊,但是回流这个词是一个通用词汇,一种流动趋势朝着与原来相反的方向流动,如人口,资金等等。术语标准组经过讨论,reflow 是再次的意思,而没有回头的意思。所以在IPC T50术语中使用了再流。
> ======================================
> Abao.Liang
> ________________________________
> From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: 2013年7月19日 13:33
> To: Liang, Abao; [log in to unmask]
> Subject: RE: 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> 我觉得这个解释比较合理,热风回流,传导热量而起到焊接效果…..再流焊的叫法无法理解.前天在讨论标准J-STD-033时,我就提起要改再流焊为回流焊,因T50的定义是再流焊,而没有被采纳。
> Best Regards
> Steven Hao | SMT Engineer Leader  | T +86 760 88923578-5583 | M +86 13531856616
> From: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Liang, Abao
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 1:03 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [TGAsia] 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> 名称一般是取对象的特点来命名
> 回流焊的特点是,发热器加热空气,空气流动并传导热量使得焊料融化而焊接起来,就叫做回流焊。
> 那么为什么不叫做空流焊,热流焊,那个前辈解释一下?
> 顺便问一下回字有四种写法...是怎么写的?
> Abao.Liang
> ________________________________
> From: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Zhong Mary
> Sent: 2013年7月18日 12:30
> To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: [TGAsia] 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> 可参阅IPC-T50
> 意思就是:先将焊料加热至焊料流动,再使其冷却,所以叫回流焊
> Best regards!
> Mary Zhong
> IPC training specialist
> [Enics]<>
> Phone: +86 512 590 0668-8055
> Mobile: +86 134 0142 0110
> [] Please consider the environment before printing this email
> From: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Fenglei Mao
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:12 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: [TGAsia] 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> 百度啊
> Thanks,
> Fenglei
> From: TGAsia [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Tao Qinfang (AE/PJ-MFG-CN)
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:04 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: [TGAsia] 为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow
> Dear All,
> 各位高手,能不能请教一下为什么取名为回流焊-Reflow,谢谢!
> Best regards | Mit freundlichen Grüßen | BeQIK Tao Qinfang AE-CN Academy
> Phone: +86 512 6767 7999
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