Werner is absolutely correct. I will bet you can find many places that
capture failure data in some kind of database, whether it is a simple
MSAccess home grown one or something more sophisticated, categorize by
defect type, e.g., missing part, wrong part, tombstone, insufficient solder,
etc. and look for ways to reduce defect rates. But doing real failure
analysis to the point of correcting the root cause takes effort and
expertise and most will probably not go the distance.
On Sat, 7 Mar 2009 09:49:02 -0500, Werner engelmaier <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi Amol,
>Unfortunately, in most cases nobody analyzes failures. The reason is that
to do a proper root cause analysis takes time, resources and expertize—and
in many cases is too late for corrective action.
>This is too bad, because a lot could be learned for future designs.
>There are 2 important aspects to failure analysis—the physics-of-failure
aspect and the statistical failure information.
>Failures occur for the main part for 3 reasons: 1) inadequate design,
allowing premature wear-out and/or overstress conditions, 2) insufficient
quality, due to bad processing and causing latent defects, and 3) misuse.
>Commercial or in-house laboratories can be utilized to establish failure
modes and compliance with standards/specifications, however, the
determination of the failure root cause typically requires an expert.
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