July 2006


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Chris Ball <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Designers Council Forum)
Wed, 5 Jul 2006 07:42:37 -0400
text/plain (83 lines)
Routing under components will not (should not) be a concern for mfg.
quality. Some components shouldn't be routed under (a resonator or crystal,
for example). If the engineer (your customer) wants to see all the traces
easily, even if it adds many otherwise unrequired vias on a double-sided
board, what can you do but comply? Make a couple of pictures to illustrate
how much cleaner the design could be if routed freely and try to have a
discussion with the frowners.

For what it's worth, I've been routing between pads of caps and resistors
and whatnot since there's been SMT, mostly class 3 automotive applications.

-Chris (el CID)

                       Adam Smith
                       <[log in to unmask]>                 To:   [log in to unmask]
                       Sent by: DesignerCouncil          cc:
                       <[log in to unmask]>         Subject:    [DC] Routing under vias

                       07/04/2006 10:25 AM
                       Please respond to
                       "(Designers Council
                       Forum)"; Please respond to
                       Adam Smith

I'm just wondering what the general consensus is with routing under
components? In general my company has always frowned upon routing under
resistors and capacitors. I am working on a small 2 layer board and
would like to use the components as jumpers to limit the number of layer
changes for a few signals. Any thoughts?

Adam Smith, CID
IR Halifax
7020 Mumford Rd
Halifax NS B3L 4S9
902.431.1644 x262


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