October 2004


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"Brooks,Bill" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Designers Council Forum)
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 16:03:48 -0700
text/plain (58 lines)
Hi Barbara,

Yes, it is...

I received my ticket about 2 months ago... I took the Technician class exam
and the General Exam, and passed them both... But I still need to be able to
copy Morse code at 5wpm. So far I have not had time to practice as I have
been studying for the CID+ exam I took last week, and passed.
We manufacture 2 meter radios here along with a lot of other equipment and
it just seemed like this was a good opportunity for me to take the exam...
I had always wanted to get my Ham license, my Uncle, and Father were both
Hams.  WA6TEK, and N6UWF.

My dad passed away this year, he is a 'silent key' now...  and it was part
of the motivation for me to study and complete the test too.

I have been thinking about getting a Vanity call sign but I really have not
settled on one yet... Someone already has WA6PCB....  I was thinking there
might be another one with 'PCB' in it that I could use.... we'll see.

It's a good hobby and if there ever was a disaster in the area, it seems a
little better to have a legal radio I can use to get help or assist
Beats owning a citizen band radio... :) I like learning more about the
electronics involved in RF applications too.

Bill Brooks - KG6VVP
PCB Design Engineer , C.I.D.+, C.I.I.
Tel: (760)597-1500 Ext 3772 Fax: (760)597-1510

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Burcham [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 3:29 PM
To: (Designers Council Forum); Brooks,Bill
Subject: Change of subject - RE: [DC] Warning... when attending events

Hey Bill!
Is KG6VVP an amateur ham radio operator call name?
My dad was W5GLD.

Barbara J. Burcham, C.I.D.
Fairfield Industries, Inc
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