October 2004


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George Patrick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Designers Council Forum)
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 11:08:43 -0700
text/plain (103 lines)
What a drag...

It is an absolute hassle to lug everything around with you when you leave
the room, but with the way things are now it's the only way to keep things
like this from happening.

Too bad they don't put thermite charges in notebooks that are set off by
cell phone (or LoJack trackers, but that's less fun to think about) ;D

George Patrick
Tektronix, Inc.
Central Engineering, PCB Design Group
P.O. Box 500, M/S 39-512
Beaverton, OR 97077-0001
Phone: 503-627-5272         Fax: 503-627-5587

It's my opinion, not Tektronix'

-----Original Message-----
From: DesignerCouncil [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 10:52
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [DC] Warning... when attending events


I know some of you use laptop computers in your work as I do, and I just
want to share this experience with you so you do not have to experience what
happened to me and Mary Sugden last weekend...

Mary was leading the CID+ Workshop and exam in San Marcos California, and I
was attending it along with some other fine designers. We broke for lunch
and were gone from the room for a very short time... only to return to the
room to find that someone of low scruples decided that our laptop computers
would make a great addition to their personal collections... Mary had to
continue the workshop and test from her hand written notes... it was a very
difficult experience. Mary was a real trouper and still did an excellent job
of covering the material and we went on to take the exam on Saturday.

The most painful realization occurs when you recall that you left your
checkbook(s), and your personal information in your carrying case, and they
now know where you live, what your home phone number and work number is,
what your bank account numbers are, e-mail, stocks, you name it... etc...
etc.. Not to mention the data that you have on your hard drive, that you
have not backed up... Laptops are terribly portable... it takes only 30
seconds for someone to pass by and grab them and stash them for later
retrieval. We looked high and low and searched the entire area for the
thief(s)... and they had vanished.

Mailing lists, passwords, lost reference information, jobs you may have been
working on, etc... this can be a very sickening experience...

The laptops can be expensive, mine was over 2,700 dollars (a Dell Inspiron
8200 with 64MB DDR ram, 40G hd, leather case, high end video, extra
batteries... ugh...)and they are targets of thieves, who seem to watch and
wait for you to make a mistake or get careless for an instant, even when you
think your stuff is safe in the confines of a classroom environment... don't
let your equipment out of your sight... And think about what you have on
your computer... and what it would mean if someone managed to walk away with

Please don't let this happen to you...

Best regards,

Bill Brooks - KG6VVP
PCB Design Engineer , C.I.D.+, C.I.I.
Tel: (760)597-1500 Ext 3772 Fax: (760)597-1510

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