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May 2001


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Nancy Trumbull <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
TechNet E-Mail Forum.
Wed, 9 May 2001 10:08:17 -0400
text/plain (35 lines)
Hi Bob,

I have not seen an answer yet so I'll give you my 2 cents .
From my 20 years experience only no real data. However I was a IPC 610 B Instructor and will go in July for re-certification. And my understanding is that the most reliable lead protrusion is going to be one that is no smaller or larger than needed.  Most lead protrusion will be 1. to 1.5mm in length.  The longer the lead protrusion the more possibility there is in causing a defect.  As you assemble  or handling during process or possible damage during usage if there is vibration / movement .  And as you know if  by change  the joint is disturb during one of those than you could have possible damage.  So being that Class 3 is the most critical the more perfect it will need to be.
Hope I helped
Nancy T.

>>> [log in to unmask] 05/07/01 12:57PM >>>
Please reference Section -  Table 5-2

What is the rationale on the (L) max numbers for Class 2  (2.5mm) and Class
3 (1.5mm) ???

Bob Hawkins

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