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July 2000


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Sat, 29 Jul 2000 19:25:03 EDT
"TechNet E-Mail Forum." <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
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"Stephen R. Gregory" <[log in to unmask]>
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Hidee-ho ya'll!!!

I just wanna say, I didn't mean to stir-up such a "hornet nest"...ya'll know
me as a quiet sort of guy...right?...B^D

Must say though, I've learned quite a bit about LPI soldermask processing,
and that's what this list is all about. Thanks everybody!!!

What has come out of this though, is that I'm determined to establish the
means to be able to do our own cross-sections here. I want to either send
somebody (or go myself) to the IPC-600F course to certify somebody to be able
inspect and quantify what we get from our vendors.

I just kinda' got thrown into the position of looking at the fabs we get,
don't have any real training on this subject. But because my focus in the
past has been in other areas, what little I know comes from what I read and
what I learn from all of you.

Wished I had more say as far as our purchasing department goes, but I don't.
I could go on and on about the problems we have...we've got Philips equipment
here but our buyers still buy parts from Digi-key...anybody that is familiar
with what you get from Digi-key knows that you won't get anything that can be
loaded on a tape and reel feeder, they'll be strips of parts...but that's a
whole 'nuther thread...

Hey, just want to say thanks for all the input!!! Still rejecting the boards

-Steve Gregory-

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