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bill birch <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 13 Aug 1996 13:40:32 -0700
text/plain (43 lines)
We are looking to support our colleagues at various PWB testing 
facilities, who are looking for an effective methodology for identifying 
the locations of failure sites following accelerated stress testing.  Our 
present method utilizes an infra red thermal imaging system, 
inconjunction with a low level (milliamps) DC current supply that creates 
the necessary temperature differences to uncover the exact position of 
one or multiple defect sites.

	The cost of thermal imaging equipment is prohibitive for most 
companies, we are looking for a lower cost alternative that has the 
following capabilities:

	Ability to uncover partial failures, defects that have not fully 
propagated to an open state (opens are easily found with conventional 

	Ability to identify intermittent defects that are not detectable 
unless the test vehicle is elevated to a temperature close to the 
laminate Tg.

	Ability to isolate (identify) defect location.

	We are open to any suggestions/recommendations.  We are 
interested in any additional information regarding "thermal tapes/inks" 
that can be applied to the surface of the test vehicle, to identify 
localized temperature differentials.  Electrical testing fixtures that 
could accommodate the passing of DC current through the test vehicle 
during the fault finding. 


Bill Birch
PWB Interconnect Solutions Inc.

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