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January 1997


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[log in to unmask] (Jan Satterfield)
Monday, January 20, 1997 7:27AMMon, 20 Jan 97 9:10
text/plain (56 lines)

Talk to:
Cambridge Automatic
15 Erie Drive
 Natick, MA  01760
(508) 653-9002

They designed an Air Operated Roll Pin Inserter for my application (24 pins 
in a round bulkhead) over 5 years ago and it still works great.  I had my 
machine designed to be fully automated but I know they have machines already 
set up to install pins in card ejectors.  This is a great time saver for 

Jan Satterfield
Mfg Engineer
Edo Corp

From: Jack W. Bryant
To: dabonz; jasatt; mimall; 'mail@ih <[log in to unmask]>'
Subject: RE: Assembly

Hello TechNet forum,
I would like to find out more about semi-automatics for installing roll pins
to attach card ejectors. We currently are using a hand tool to insert these
one at a time but,  I've heard about bowl fed machines that incorporate
pneumatics and partially assembled ejectors. I would like to hear how
others are completing this operation and the efficiency of their
equipment. You may respond through TechNet or my e-mail address.
Thank you.

[log in to unmask]

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