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Michael Fenner <[log in to unmask]>
02 Oct 96 15:42:25 EDT
text/plain (35 lines)
Vigourous stirring of  paste will cause its viscosity to fall. (Sheer thinning)
If your paste works after treatment like this, but not before, it suggests that
the start/supplied viscosity is too high. 
I assume you are not trying to use paste taken straight from the refrigerator
(cold paste is thicker than warm paste) so
Maybe you are using a formulation which was correct when frst determined a while
ago but has not followed changes in your work . 
Alternatively some paste suppliers do supply pastes with high initial
viscosities which are intended to be sheer thinned on/by the printer into a
usable viscosity range in continuing production.  If this is so try using a more
appropriate product.
As a start suggest you check your supplier data sheet recomendations and compare
to what you are actually doing and using, then speak to your supplier . 
Caution: This would be a break from standard  industry practise: most people
don't read anything before beating up on their supplier.

Mike Fenner
Paul Stolar  wrote

     Does anyone else have the problem with their no-clean solder paste 
     needing about 20 kneeds to get the proper volume? If so, are there 
     other ways to get there quicker?

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