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May 1997


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Wed, 14 May 1997 16:16:53 -0400 (EDT)
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Forwarded message:
From:	[log in to unmask] (Administrator)
To:	[log in to unmask]
Date: 97-05-14 16:14:23 EDT


There are many options other then microetching to prepare a board for
photoresist lamination.  Since you used the term "board" I assume you are
referring to an outerlayer or double sided application rather than an
innerlayer application.

You can mechanically scrub the board using bristle brush or compressed pad
type scrubbers, or jet or brush pumice type scrubbers or jet Alumina oxide
scrubbers. Hand pumice scrubbing is also an option for low production level
situations and is common for flex applications. 

You can also laminate photoresist directly over an unscrubbed electroless
surface with appropriate rinsing and pH neutralization after electroless and
perhaps an antitarnish treatment depending on hold time requirements.

Direct metalization systems require a microetch in most cases to remove the
deposit from the surface copper but this usually provides an adequate surface
for photoresist lamination as well.

There are additional options if you are including acceptable surface
preparation methods for innerlayer applications.

Hope this helps. 

Jim Travis
[log in to unmask]

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