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April 1997


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Thu, 03 Apr 1997 20:56:22 -0800
text/plain (57 lines)
I thought one advantage of HTE Cu was higher reliability circuits.  This
is what the inner layer guys tell me where I work. 
Even though it is difficult to drill, aren't there other problems that
will occur if HTE Cu is not used?  Can someone point out any technical
papers that have covered this subject?  Is there independent data that
shows HTE Cu gives the customer a better product?  

R_R_HOLMES wrote:
> The majority or our holes are 13 mil and we drill lots of 8 mil holes.  Our
> experience with drilling HTE copper is poor.  In particular we find problems
> with broken bits. As a result we will not allow our material supplier to use
> HTE foil!  We make boards up to 200 mil thick have never (!!) seen a problem
> with foil cracks.  In my opinion HTE foil has been oversold and for a well
> controlled MLB fabrication process it offers no advantage.
> Robert R.  Holmes PhD
> Via Technologies (formerly AT&T/Lucent)
> [log in to unmask]
> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
> Boy, you missed the point.  What do you think the HTE is for anyway?
> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> _________________________________
> Subject: Drilling HTE Foil
> Author:  [log in to unmask] at ccUnix
> Date:    4/2/97 3:04 PM
> Has anyone experienced nailheading, when drilling small holes (#80's) in
> Innerlayer Copper foils with Room Temperature Elogation Numbers greater
> than 11%. If so, have you made an effort to include a maximum Elogation
> number in your multilayer laminate purchasing specification?
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