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April 2013


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Sat, 6 Apr 2013 18:15:39 -0700
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Biltmore Santa Clara for dinner (or non-dinner) 
            June 12, 2013.

Dr. Zinn's bio and abstract are at the end. 
            Lockheed's nano-copper solder is an answer to the lead-free solder 
Remember "the non-solution to the non-problem",
            is, until we get rid of most solder altogether, most solder paste, 

                Alfred Zinn, Lockheed Martin Space 
                  System Company ATC, Senior Scientist
                  NanoCopper Materials Platform for Electronic 
                  Packaging and Printed Electronics with 200 °C Processing 

                  The Advanced Technology Center of the Lockheed Martin 
                  Corporation has developed a nanocopper-based material that can 
                  be fused to bulk copper around 200 °C taking advantage of the 
                  rapidly decreasing fusion temperature with decreasing particle 
                  size at the nanoscale. The nanocopper material has the 
                  potential to replace tin-based solder to eliminate whisker 
                  growth and mechanical reliability concerns encountered with 
                  current lead-free solder. Fully optimized, the fused copper is 
                  expected to exhibit 10-15x electrical and thermal conductivity 
                  improvements over tin-based materials currently in use. The 
                  materials platform is enabled by our scalable Cu nanoparticle 
                  fabrication process employing a low cost solution-phase 
                  chemical reduction approach. A proprietary mixture of 
                  surfactants controls particle size and size distribution as 
                  well as stabilizing the particles preventing particle growth 
                  and oxidation, which would otherwise degrade its activity. We 
                  have demonstrated assembly of fully functional LED test boards 
                  using a paste formulated with nanocopper that exhibits a 
                  consistency very similar to standard tin-based solder paste. 
                  To date, we have demonstrated 26-pin through-hole connector 
                  assembly and a variety of surface mount components. We 
                  demonstrated feasibility of drop-in solder replacement using 
                  standard stencil and pick & place packaging equipment as 
                  well as demonstrated feasibility of using the material for 
                  printed electronics applications.
                Dr. Zinn 
                  received his Doctor of Science degree in Chemistry in 1990 
                  from the Philipps University, Marburg, Germany. Following 
                  completion of his graduate studies, Dr. Zinn spent five years 
                  at UCLA as a lecturer and conducting postdoctoral research on 
                  low-temperature CVD for interconnect, diffusion, and migration 
                  barrier deposition, as well as magnetic nanomaterials design 
                  and synthesis. In 2004, he joined Lockheed Martin Space 
                  Systems Company Advanced technology Center in Palo Alto, CA 
                  developing high-temperature materials systems, nanostructured 
                  functional materials (electrical, thermal, thermoelectric), 
                  modeling quantum/superlattice structures and devices, high 
                  performance energy conversion devices (solar, high & low 
                  quality heat conversion). He holds seven patents in materials, 
                  structures and processing, two THz technology patents, with 
                  ten additional patents pending (multiple international 
                  filings) as well as four trade secrets. He has authored or 
                  co-authored over 20 archival journal publications, including 
                  book chapters in "The Chemistry of Metal CVD" as well as the 
                  "Encyclopedia of Inorganic 

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