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<[log in to unmask]> (James Kenny)
Fri, 1 Nov 96 7:38:53 PST
text/plain (66 lines)
Hi There!

At Merix we have been offering Entek 106A to our customers for two and half 
years. During this time OSP's have been gaining ground on HASL in terms of 
percentage of through-put. Use of the coating provides advantages to both the 
fabricator and the assembler. Some of the obvious advantages to assemblers 
include are flater pads, (.25-.5 micron thickness), no limitations on fine 
pitch clearing, small hole clearing and greater solder joint strength. 
Advantages to the fabricator include lower operating costs, little or no 
rejects/rework, reduced safety hazard and the process is more environmentally 
friendly. OSP's will work for the vast majority of circuit boards, but as 
always the surface finish should fit the assembly process and end use of the 
Below is a contact person at Enthone who can provide interested parties with 
technical papers and expertise on this surface finish no matter which company 
is providing the OSP coating.

Joe DeBiase
Enthone-OMI Inc.
P.O. Box 1900
New Haven, Ct. 06508

"Hollandsworth, Ron" <[log in to unmask]> Wrote:
|      I agree with Mr. Holton's TechNet message on OSPs.  
| How 
|      about some information sharing on what they are all 
| about.  
|      What affect will OSPs have on No-clean soldering 
| processes?  
|      How about the affect on SMT processes?  Could OSPs be 
|      something PCB suppliers could use to further 
| "guarantee" 
|      solderability when PCBs reach their customers?  What 
| about 
|      OSPs on components?  Just what are the pros and cons? 
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