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April 2000


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Fri, 7 Apr 2000 17:36:44 -0700
text/plain (84 lines)

To look at literature availablr, go to, then go to Library
Resources and click on Free Downloads. Search for 'Fretting' . There are
three references listed on fretting in connectors and solutions on how to
prevent it.

For lubrication of connectors, why you wait for 24 hours?  The contact lube
I have used at my past employer allowed the contacts to be mated after lube
with out waiting.

What kind of lube you are using?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary Camac" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 7:03 AM
Subject: [TN] Contact Lubricant and Fretting Corrosion

> Good morning everyone,
> I had a couple of questions concerning the prevention of fretting
corrosion.  I am in the
> process of reviewing and updating some of our older process procedures.
At present the
> procedure on Lubrication of Connectors is setting in front of me and I
have managed to
> raise a few questions.  A search of the Technet archives and some old
memory banks have
> produced: gold to gold - its a good thing, no lubricant required: tin/lead
to tin/lead -
> its a good thing if lubricated: gold to tin/lead - not good, even with
lubrication.  I
> know some of the information on this subject is dated, but I don't believe
the passing of
> time has invalidated it.
> On products where we build the entire assembly, I can easily verify the
total connector
> configuration.  However, when we are building only a circuit board
assembly for a
> customer, I have no idea of materials used in the mating connectors.  To
> complicate the issue, I know that some connector manufacturers lubricate
the tin or
> tin/lead female connectors and some manufacturers do not, or at least
won't verify that
> they do.
> Is there an industrial specification/requirement for the lubrication of
connectors on
> circuit board assemblies that should be called out in the product
> At present we are using a contact lubricant on all tin or tin/lead plated
male connector
> contacts, except when the mating connector is known to be prelubricated.
The lubricant we
> are using must be allowed to cure out 24 hours prior to assembly.  This is
not real
> conducive to lowering cycle times.  Is anyone aware of a contact lubricate
the would
> improve on this?
> Thanks,
> Gary Camac

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