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March 2002


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TechNet E-Mail Forum.
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 07:52:59 EST
text/plain (37 lines)
Hello Gang...

Gulp, er... ah...  hmmmm...  Well, thank you for the big response, at this
time I would like to file a disclaimer for all information... kidding.
People will/may disagree with me on my next statement, but here goes:
1.  There is no need to prebake a 4-6 FR4 board.  (Actually, I'd be more
concerned with plastic parts verse the bare board, but that's another issue.)
2.  The 80/20 rule relates to "it takes 80 percent of your time for 20% of
your product"  meaning the majority of your success or product- the 80% takes
only 20% of your time.  It is just a silly proverb we Procrastinators use to
justify how long it takes us to get things done.  It is a good rule.
3.  Don't depend on a board house doing this.  Even if they say they will, no
one wants to do this.  The logistics is a nightmare.  IF someone packs this
board(s) (one per bag? two, two hundred?) what is the ah-chit factor to you
if you don't bake again?  [ah-chit is a technical term meaning oops.]  Well,
the advocates of baking will state moisture related failures.  You can't risk
failure so you bake...  My opinion is if you need to bake (and sometimes you
do) do it just prior to reflow.
Your room environment looks excellent, I would not bake.
Although I do enjoy a nice bread out of the oven...

Sorry for the bad humor, its been a fun day so far today,

Boston Brad
781 858 0783

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