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March 1997


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"Chilcote, Jim (AZ75)" <[log in to unmask]>
07 Mar 1997 17:16:14 -0600
text/plain (40 lines)
Try Metron Optics, Solona Beach, CA  619-755-4477.  Hint: a full-size color 
photo can be used in place of an actual "golden board".
 - Jim Chilcote
From: [log in to unmask]
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Subject: Assembly:Looking for optical Comparator
Date: Thursday, March 06, 1997 8:51PM

Does any know who makes an optical comparator for checking loaded boards?
We are trying to locate and buy a comparator. The unit that we are
interested in is a simple box with a light source and some mirrors that
project images of boards onto a translucent plastic screen. The unit I
remember seeing projected the image of a "golden board" onto a screen.  The
image of the test board was projected onto the same screen next to the image
of the golden board.  When an opperator moved the test board both images
converged and disapeared at the center line of the screen. The boards were
positioned so that identical areas of each board crossed the centerline at
the same time and disappeared.  This allowed an opperator to do a quick
visual check of component placement.  If all of the components matched the
golden board a perfect mirror image would be seen along the center line. Any
misplaced components were easy to see.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Wendell Conner
Hughes Air Warfare Center Indy

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