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April 1998


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Mitch Morey <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 16:48:44 -0700
"TechNet E-Mail Forum." <[log in to unmask]>, Mitch Morey <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (611 lines)

Attached is the skill routine I downloaded and use from the Cadence
SourceLink account. It works pretty darn good, and has saved my A__
on quite a few jobs. 'Course this works on UNIX ;), so if you're using
Allegro NT ver.12.2, you might be outtaluck!

If you are on UNIX, you'll need to make a file in your pcbenv dir, called
something like allegro_interactive.ilinit or allegro_layout.ilinit with this
command 1st:

setSkillPath(". /data/cadence/skilldir")

(Note: the /data/cadence/skilldir would be a dir structure on your network
for skill routines. If you don't have one, it's preferred you make one, even
if it's in your pcbenv dir, and point to it.)

When allegro loads, it looks for the system skill routines, then it will
source the skill routines you load with the .ilinit file.

There are numerous routines on sourcelink, and I'd be happy to tell you
the common ones I use.

Good luck,
Mitch Morey
Sr PCB Designer
NSI Communication (was:ComStream Corp)
San Diego CA

>>> John Koehne <[log in to unmask]> 04/20/98 02:12pm >>>
Hello Technet - I am in search of an IPC-D-356 net list translator that
will convert Cadence Allegro net lists to IPC-D-356 format.

Please let me know of any CAM software companies that you know of
may have this.

Thanks, JK

------------------- IPC_356.IL follows -------------------
;                    IPC-D-356 Netlist Generator
;                    ---------------------------

; This routine extracts a netlist in IPC-D-356 format from an
; Allegro database.

; The program has the following features:

;       * Adds date/time stamp to file header
;       * Adds board filename to file header
;       * Converts output to correct units regardless of database units
;       * Shortens netnames over 14 characters long to suit IPC format

; The IPC-D-356 format only allows for netnames up to 14 characters
; long. Because netnames in Allegro can often exceed this length,
; the routine renames them to the form: 'NNAME#####'. A conversion
; list is displayed showing new and old netnames which can be saved
; and/or printed for reference if required. It is also included at
; the end of the netlist file. Netnames 14 characters long or less
; are left unchaged.

; If there is a specific padstack which is always used for a
; tooling hole, TOOL_PAD on the following line should be replaced
; with the padstack name. The .pad extension should not be included.
; The inverted commas should be left, and the name should be upper
; case. If there is no specific tooling pad, leave the following
; line untouched.

tooling_pad = "TOOL_PAD"

; No 'mid-point' data is included in the output.

; If the origin for the netlist data is required to be the same as
; the origin for gerber data, be sure to alter the board origin to
; match the gerber origin before generating the netlist.

; For a large board, the netlist can take a couple of minutes to
; create, so be prepared to wait a while! A running count of the
; number of test records generated is given.

; The output filename is the current database filename with the
; extension '.ipc'

; To run the program type "ipc_356" on the Allegro command line.

; -----------------------------------------------------------------

; Tested on Allegro 11.0

; Written by:

; Pete Court
; PCB Design Engineer
; While working at:

; Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited
; Solihull Parkway
; Birmingham Business Park
; Birmingham
; B37 7YU
; UK

; I can now be reached at the following address:

; E-Mail: [log in to unmask]

; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; Version 2: Now gives pad sizes of circular SMD pads as well as
;            rectangular ones.
;            Header information modified.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; Version 3: Now gives a running count of how many test records
;            have been generated.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; Version 4: Now gives pad rotation in columns 68-71. Modification
;            made by Chris Walters at Motorola.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------

(defun ipc_356 ()

printf("\n%s\n" , "A netlist in IPC-D-356 format is being created. Please wait....")

; selects pins and vias
; ---------------------

vis_list = axlVisibleGet()
axlVisibleLayer("PIN/TOP" t)
axlVisibleLayer("PIN/BOTTOM" t)
axlVisibleLayer("PIN/SOLDERMASK_TOP" t)
axlVisibleLayer("PIN/SOLDERMASK_BOTTOM" t)
axlVisibleLayer("VIA CLASS/TOP" t)
axlVisibleLayer("VIA CLASS/BOTTOM" t)
axlSetFindFilter(?enabled list("noall" "pins" "vias")
        ?onButtons list("noall" "pins" "vias"))
pin_list = axlGetSelSet()

; sets constant fields
; --------------------

c1 = "3"
c3 = "7"
c18_20 = "   "
c27 = "-"
c32 = " "
c39 = "A"
c42 = "X"
c50 = "Y"
c68_71 = "    "
c72 = " "
c73 = "S"
c75_80 = "      "
null_string = "              "
zero_string = "000000"
long_net_table = makeTable("long_net_table" nil)
shortened_net_list = ()
long_net_number = 10000
count = 0
count2 = 100

; gets board name and opens output file
; -------------------------------------

boardname = axlCurrentDesign()
out_name = strcat(boardname ".ipc")
outport = outfile(out_name)

; starts file header
; ------------------

fprintf(outport , "%s%s%s\n", "P  JOB   ",  boardname,  ".brd")

; creates conversion factors for different db units
; -------------------------------------------------

units = axlDBGetDesignUnits()
units = car(units)
        (equal(units "mils") (conv_factor = 10)
        fprintf(outport , "%s\n", "P  UNITS CUST ")
        ) ; end of equal
        (equal(units "inches") (conv_factor = 10000)
        fprintf(outport , "%s\n", "P  UNITS CUST ")
        ) ; end of equal
        (equal(units "microns") (conv_factor = 1)
        fprintf(outport , "%s\n", "P  UNITS SI ")
        ) ; end of equal
        (equal(units "millimeters") (conv_factor = 1000)
        fprintf(outport , "%s\n", "P  UNITS SI ")
        ) ; end of equal
        (equal(units "centimeters") (conv_factor = 10000)
        fprintf(outport , "%s\n", "P  UNITS SI ")
        ) ; end of equal
) ; end of cond

fprintf(outport , "%s\n%s\n%s%s\n%s\n", "P  DIM   N", "C  ",  "C  ",  getCurrentTime(), "C  " )
fprintf(outport , "%s\n%s\n", "C  IPC-D-356 Netlist From Allegro" "C  ")

; gets information from pad
; --------------------------

foreach(pin_db pin_list

        if( eq(count 100) then
                printf("\n%n%s\n" , count2, " Test Records Generated.")
        ) ; end of if

        number = pin_db->number
        xy = pin_db->xy
        layer = pin_db->startEnd

    net_db = pin_db->net
        pad_type = pin_db->objType
    net_name = net_db->name

        symbol_db = pin_db->parent
        refdes = symbol_db->refdes
        rotation = pin_db->rotation             /* added version 4 */

        padstack_db = pin_db->definition
        drill = padstack_db->drillDiameter
        if( drill>0 then
                through = t
                through = nil
        ) ; end of if
        pad_name = padstack_db->name
        plating = axlDBGetDrillPlating(pad_name)

        ; checks if surface mount/through hole/tooling hole
        ; -------------------------------------------------

        if( equal(through t) then
                c2 = "1"
                c2 = "2"
        ) ; end of if
        if( equal(pad_name tooling_pad) then
                c2 = "6"
        ) ; end of if

        ; get x:y of rectangular pads
        ; ---------------------------

        top_pad_db = axlDBGetPad(pin_db "pin/top" "regular")
        bottom_pad_db = axlDBGetPad(pin_db "pin/bottom" "regular")
        c58 = " "
        c59_62 = "    "
        c63 = " "
        c64_67 = "    "

        top_pad_shape = top_pad_db-> figureName
        if( nequal(top_pad_shape "NULL") then
                if( equal(c2 "2") then
                        c58 = "X"
                        c63 = "Y"
                boundary = top_pad_db->bBox
                llx = caar(boundary)
                urx = caadr(boundary)
                ury = cadadr(boundary)
                lly = cadar(boundary)
                x_top_dim = urx-llx
                y_top_dim = ury-lly

                        x_top_dim = round(x_top_dim*conv_factor)
                        sprintf(c59_62 "%n" x_top_dim)
                        x_top_dim_length = strlen(c59_62)
                if( nequal( x_top_dim_length 4) then
                                if( x_top_dim_length<4 then
                                        c59_62 = strcat( substring(zero_string 1 (4-x_top_dim_length)) c59_62)
                                        c59_62 = " ERR  "
                                ) ; end of if
                        ) ; end of if

                        y_top_dim = round(y_top_dim*conv_factor)
                        sprintf(c64_67 "%n" y_top_dim)
                        y_top_dim_length = strlen(c64_67)
                        if( nequal( y_top_dim_length 4) then
                                if( y_top_dim_length<4 then
                                        c64_67 = strcat( substring(zero_string 1 (4-y_top_dim_length)) c64_67)
                                        c64_67 = " ERR  "
                                ) ; end of if
                        ) ; end of if
                ) ; end of if
        ) ; end of if

    bottom_pad_shape = bottom_pad_db-> figureName
    if( nequal(bottom_pad_shape "NULL") then
                if( equal(c2 "2") then
                        c58 = "X"
                        c63 = "Y"
                        boundary = bottom_pad_db->bBox
                        llx = caar(boundary)
                        urx = caadr(boundary)
                        ury = cadadr(boundary)
                        lly = cadar(boundary)
                        x_bottom_dim = urx-llx
                        y_bottom_dim = ury-lly

                        x_bottom_dim = round(x_bottom_dim*conv_factor)
                        sprintf(c59_62 "%n" x_bottom_dim)
                        x_bottom_dim_length = strlen(c59_62)
                        if( nequal( x_bottom_dim_length 4) then
                                if( x_bottom_dim_length<4 then
                                        c59_62 = strcat( substring(zero_string 1 (4-x_bottom_dim_length)) c59_62)
                                        c59_62 = " ERR  "
                                ) ; end of if
                        ) ; end of if

                        y_bottom_dim = round(y_bottom_dim*conv_factor)
                        sprintf(c64_67 "%n" y_bottom_dim)
                        y_bottom_dim_length = strlen(c64_67)
                        if( nequal( y_bottom_dim_length 4) then
                                if( y_bottom_dim_length<4 then
                                        c64_67 = strcat( substring(zero_string 1 (4-y_bottom_dim_length)) c64_67)
                                        c64_67 = " ERR  "
                                ) ; end of if
                        ) ; end of if
                ) ; end of if
    ) ; end of if

        ; check if soldermask is present
        ; ------------------------------

        top_mask_db = axlDBGetPad(pin_db "pin/soldermask_top" "regular")
        bottom_mask_db = axlDBGetPad(pin_db "pin/soldermask_bottom" "regular")
    top_mask_shape = top_mask_db-> figureName
    if( nequal(top_mask_shape "NULL") then
                top_mask = 0
                top_mask = 1
        ) ; end of if
    bottom_mask_shape = bottom_mask_db-> figureName
    if( nequal(bottom_mask_shape "NULL") then
        bottom_mask = 0
                bottom_mask = 2
    ) ; end of if

        ; generates net name
        ; ------------------

                (equal(net_name nil) (net_name = "N/C           "))
                (equal(net_name "") (net_name = "N/C           "))
                (net_length = strlen(net_name)
                        if( nequal( net_length 14) then
                                if( net_length<14 then
                                        net_name = strncat( net_name null_string 14-net_length)
                                        net_exists = long_net_table[net_name]
                                        if( eq(net_exists nil) then
                                                long_net_table[net_name] = long_net_number
                                                sprintf(long_net_number_string "%n" long_net_number)
                                                net_name = strcat("NNAME" long_net_number_string "    ")
                                                long_net_number = long_net_number+1
                                                sprintf(long_net_number_string "%n" net_exists)
                                                net_name = strcat("NNAME" long_net_number_string "    ")
                                        ) ; end of if
                                ) ; end of if
                        ) ; end of if
                ) ; end of net not n/c
        ) ; end of cond

        c4_17 = net_name

        ; generates reference designator
        ; ------------------------------

                (equal(pad_type "via") (refdes = "VIA   "))
                (equal(refdes nil) (refdes = "      "))
                (refdes_length = strlen(refdes)
                        if( nequal( refdes_length 6) then
                                if( refdes_length<6 then
                                        refdes = strncat( refdes null_string 6-refdes_length)
                                        refdes = substring(refdes refdes_length-5 6)
                                ) ; end of if
                        ) ; end of if
                ) ; end of refdes not 6
        ) ; end of cond

        c21_26 = refdes

        ; generates pin number
        ; --------------------

        if( equal(number nil) then
                number = "    "
                number_length = strlen(number)
                if( nequal( number_length 4) then
                        if( number_length<4 then
                                number = strncat( number null_string 4-number_length)
                                number = substring(number number_length-3 4)
                        ) ; end of if
                ) ; end of if
        ) ; end of if

        c28_31 = number

        ; generates drill size and plating
        ; --------------------------------

        if( drill > 0 then
                drill = round(drill*conv_factor)
                sprintf(drill "%n" drill)
                drill_length = strlen(drill)
                if( nequal( drill_length 4) then
                        if( drill_length<4 then
                                drill = strcat( substring(zero_string 1 (4-drill_length)) drill)
                                drill = " ERR"
                        ) ; end of if
                ) ; end of if
                c33 = "D"
                c34_37 = drill
                c33 = " "
                c34_37 = "    "
        ) ; end of if

                (equal(c2 "2") (c38 = " "))
                (equal(plating "PLATED") (c38 = "P"))
                (t (c38 = "U"))
        ) ; end of cond

        ; generates layer
        ; ---------------

        if( eq(through t) then
                c40_41 = "00"
                start_layer = car(layer)
                end_layer = nth(1 layer)
                top = nil
                if( equal(start_layer "ETCH/TOP") then
                        top = t
                ) ; end of if
                if( equal(end_layer "ETCH/TOP") then
                        top = t
                ) ; end of if

                if( eq( top t) then
                        c40_41 = "01"
                        c40_41 = "02"
                ) ; end of if
        ) ; end of if

        ; generates x co-ordinate
        ; -----------------------

        x = car(xy)
        if( x < 0 then
                c43 = "-"
                c43 = "+"
        ) ; end of if

        x = round(x*conv_factor)
        x = abs(x)
        sprintf(c44_49 "%n" x)
        x_length = strlen(c44_49)
        if( nequal( x_length 6) then
                if( x_length<6 then
                        c44_49 = strcat( substring(zero_string 1 (6-x_length)) c44_49)
                        c44_49 = " ERR  "
                ) ; end of if
        ) ; end of if

        ; generates y co-ordinate
        ; -----------------------

    y = nth(1 xy)
    if( y < 0 then
        c51 = "-"
        c51 = "+"
    ) ; end of if

        y = round(y*conv_factor)
        y = abs(y)
        sprintf(c52_57 "%n" y)
        y_length = strlen(c52_57)
        if( nequal( y_length 6) then
                if( y_length<6 then
                        c52_57 = strcat( substring(zero_string 1 (6-y_length)) c52_57)
                        c52_57 = " ERR  "
                ) ; end of if
        ) ; end of if

        ; generates rotation information         /* added version 4 */
        ; ---------------------------------

        if( rotation>0 then
            rotation = rotation + 1000
            sprintf(rotation "%4.0f" rotation)
            rotation = substring(rotation 2 4)
            c68_71 = strcat( "R" rotation )
            c68_71 = "    "
        ) ; end of if

        ; generates solder mask information
        ; ---------------------------------

        c74 = top_mask+bottom_mask

        sprintf(c74 "%n" c74)

        ; adds all data to output string
        ; ------------------------------

        out = strcat( c1 c2 c3 c4_17 c18_20 c21_26 c27 c28_31 c32 \
        c33 c34_37 c38 c39 c40_41 c42 c43 c44_49 c50 c51 c52_57 \
        c58 c59_62 c63 c64_67 c68_71 c72 c73 c74 c75_80)

        ; adds data to file
        ; -----------------

        fprintf(outport , "%s\n", out)

) ; end of foreach

; creates a list of shortened nets
; --------------------------------

foreach( long_net long_net_table
        shortened_net = list( long_net_table[ long_net ] long_net )
        shortened_net_list = cons(shortened_net shortened_net_list)
) ; end of foreach

shortened_net_list = sortcar(shortened_net_list 'lessp)

if( neq(shortened_net_list nil) then

        outport2 = outfile("ipc_356.log")

        fprintf(outport2, "\n%s\n", "The IPC-D-356 format only allows netnames")
        fprintf(outport2, "%s\n", "up to 14 characters long. The following")
        fprintf(outport2, "%s\n\n", "netnames have therefore been changed.")
        fprintf(outport2, "%s\n", "This list has been added to the end of")
        fprintf(outport2, "%s\n\n", "the netlist for reference.")
        fprintf(outport2, "%s\n", "To:          From:")

        foreach(shortened_net shortened_net_list
                number = car(shortened_net)
                net = nth(1 shortened_net)
                fprintf(outport, "%s%n%s%s\n", "P  NNAME", number, " ", net)
                fprintf(outport2, "%s%n%s%s\n", " NNAME", number, "   ", net)
        ) ; end of foreach


        axlUIViewFileCreate("ipc_356.log" "IPC-D-356 Log File" t 50:30)

) ; end of if

; end of file marker
; ------------------

fprintf(outport , "%s\n", "999")


printf("\n%s%s%s\n" , "The file " boardname ".ipc has been created.")

) ; end of ipc

; registers command with allegro
; ------------------------------

axlCmdRegister( "ipc_356" `ipc_356)

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