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March 2013


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Inge Hernefjord <[log in to unmask]>
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TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, Inge Hernefjord <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Mar 2013 16:46:22 +0100
text/plain (114 lines)
I used a betameter for measuring plating thickness. The source was Cobalt

On 8 March 2013 13:52, David D. Hillman <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Hi folks - no correct responses yet! Read thru the clues and don't just
> focus on a specific clue as the all of them are important.
> Dave
> From:   "David D. Hillman" <[log in to unmask]>
> To:     <[log in to unmask]>
> Date:   03/07/2013 05:14 PM
> Subject:        [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question
> Sent by:        TechNet <[log in to unmask]>
> Hi folks - Here is the Friday Element Quiz Question ( a little early so
> other time zones have a chance):
> The Question:
> A total of 8 tons of this element is extracted every year. An radioactive
> isotope of this element is used for industrial material thickness
> measurements. The word "hidden". What element is being described?
> The winner of the weekly element quiz will get the services of Clumpy and
> Kloumpios for the week
> So far Clumpy and Kloumpios have done the following:
> Past Quiz winners/tasks:
> Week 1 Dick Krug,  Spartan Complex Systems
> - Clumpy and Kloumpios arrived and were happy to get some warm weather.
> Saturday they helped rake leaves (yes it's fall in Tampa) then went to the
> Florida State Fair.  They seemed most interested in some of the new
> tractors, muttering something about the closed cab would be a more
> comfortable ride, but they also took advantage of the opportunity for Fair
> food.  I couldn't believe how much deep fried food they ate - Snickers,
> butter, burgers, ..., you name it.  Yesterday they didn't feel good so
> just sat around in the sun most of the day. This week I'm going to pick
> their brains on how to improve our ECN implementation process.  If they
> can't contribute much I'll send them back to the fair as sort of a winter
> vacation.
> Week 2 Laura Turbini, IRC
> - unknown
> Week 3 James Head, Crowcon Detection Instruments Limited
> - assisted with a "haring" activity
> And Pat Goodyear, PGE
>  - This time the boys will get to do some REAL work, they each have scoop
> shovels and at present are shoveling piles of U-O2 pellets for refueling
> the cook pot.  We are in the middle of a 60 day refuel outage so their
> help came at an opportune time, the majority of our contract crew left
> this evening, (laid off).   They are however complaining that it is hot
> and they have been working in dry suits and sweating profusely, and they
> have no beers to drop, not allowed on the property.   I offered them Gator
> aid but they just laughed.  I asked them if they knew anything about
> electronics and they could work with us technicians, but they just mumbled
> about John Deere tractors.   They will be working the next 3 days around
> the clock, they will get rest when they are done, we have to get back on
> schedule.
> Week 4 Joe Russeau, Precision Analysts Laboratory
> - assisted with running an ion chromatograph and see how adept they are at
> reviewing SIR data.
> Week 5 ????
> - assisted with ????
> Everyone have a safe week!
> Dave Hillman
> Rockwell Collins
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