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August 2009


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Brian Ellis <[log in to unmask]>
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TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, Brian Ellis <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 25 Aug 2009 14:53:36 +0300
text/plain (75 lines)

You imply you would not be glad he made it without damage?????? :-) You 
should really toe the line and that is a footling excuse to hit it on 
the nail. However, I'll try not to be so arch because that would make me 
a heel while Steve needs it to heel.


Joyce Koo wrote:
> Glad you made it with minor damage.  Take care. 
> --------------------------
> Sent using BlackBerry
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: TechNet <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Mon Aug 24 19:48:01 2009
> Subject: [TN] NTC: I made it to Allentown!
> Hi All!
> It's been a while since I've posted, so I thought I would give an update. I made the 1,252-mile trek from Tulsa to Allentown, PA for my new job. The trip was pretty uneventful. I loaded my U-haul truck up and my PT Cruiser on a trailer, and headed east. The only traffic problem I had to speak of was when I went through the Indianapolis, Indiana area. They were doing construction on a portion of the interstate that had the traffic down to one lane for about 5-miles and that had things backed-up terribly. It was backed-up about 5-miles before the contruction, it took almost 2-hours to get through that mess. The only other negative thing is that U-haul trucks are not known for having the best gas milage, especially when towing a car trailer. I burned through almost $400 in gas on the trip.
> I arrived in Allentown and checked into a hotel to rest a day, to prepare to unload everything into my new apartment. Even that went pretty well. I had scheduled unload help through U-haul, they contact helpers in your area if you want them, an you get two people at $50 an hour for both of them. I contracted them for two hours and figured that it would be $100 well spent after driving for 1,200 miles. They showed-up on time and had the truck unloaded in about an hour and a half. Now the real work for me was ahead, getting everything out of boxes and put away, and getting all my stuff arranged inside my new nest.
> Pretty boring stuff huh?
> Well, I'm typing out this email this evening after my return from a local urgent care clinic. Here's the story. I had my living room my furniture arranged where I wanted it, and started to hanging my paintings and pictures on the wall. I was carrying one of the larger ones to a place where I was about to hang it (I was in my stocking feet), and managed to hit a couch leg with my little toe on my right foot. After a couple of expletitives, the pain subsided and I finished hanging the painting. I put a few more pictures up, opened some more boxes and put some more stuff away. But I felt that something wasn't quite right with my little toe. It didn't really hurt that bad, but it didn't feel quite right. So I sat down and pulled my sock off, and this is what I saw:
> I had never broken a toe before, but I've never had one turn that purple, so I thought I'd better get it checked out. After a couple of x-rays, the doctor confirmed it."Yep, your toe is broken" he said, "but there's not a whole lot we can do for it other than buddy-tape it to the toe next to it." So he told me how to buddy tape it, gave me some Tylenol #3, and told me to wear thick soled shoes for the next few weeks to keep it from flexing while it heals. 
> Great. Pick-up and move 1,200 miles, get here, and break my friggen' toe hanging a picture. Moral of the story: Don't be a klutz like me. Thankfully, it doesn't hurt much at all and I can still get around fairly well. Won't be running any 100-yard dashes for a while, but I'll be fine.
> Steve  
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