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December 2001


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"Carroll, George" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
TechNet E-Mail Forum.
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 11:08:13 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)
The Conceptronic Rework Station used here seems to work well.  However, I've
never had anything else to compare it to.  I've not had difficulties
profiling with it although to profile it accurately requires a scrap board
or one of similar design and implanting one or more thermocouples (you can
guess and get a usable, albeit, non optimized profile).  A new unit comes
with four nozzles (you pick 'em).  Nozzles should be plus/minus a millimeter
or so of the dimensions of the BGA or u-BGA being replaced.  Additional
nozzles are generally $625 and up.  Our unit is 7 years old and I'm sure the
new ones have more advanced software gizmos.

George Carroll
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Will Cabrera [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 4:42 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [TN] BGA Rework Equipment

I work for a small OEM company and I am looking for BGA rework equipment
for in-house use. We sub out our low-volume PCA assembly and ICT. Any
recommendations on what BGA Rework equipment/supplier I can evaluate?


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