
I am a bit troubled by the news of a Rev."C" J-Std. It is starting to seem
like the IPC has adopted the Microsoft marketing plan with new releases
every so often. You, know Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 etc. as a
means of generating income.

Can you enlighten us as to what is being voted on? Is this a significant
enough of a change to warrant a revision change?

Whether you realize it or not, you are starting to create the same messy
condition of years past when our shop floor had some programs running under
Mil-Std 454J Req'mt 9, some running under WS6536, some to Mil-S-45743, some
to Mil-Std-2000A etc. All these different specs had different requirements
that required specific knowledge about the applied spec while working on a

You may think that just because you release Rev C, the previous revisions
are superceded. Not so. When Rev C is released, I'll have some programs
running to Rev A, some to Rev B while new programs will mandate Rev C. You
have to understand that, at least on military programs, it is a very
expensive (Drawing Changes and hardware revisions) and time consuming
process (meetings, sign-offs etc.) to change contractual obligations even
for just a Rev letter change. So even though you may update a spec, I still
have to be running to the provisions of the specification imposed at the
time a contract was signed.

So, unless there is a real good reason for an upgrade, I'd like to see you
"cool it" with the revision changes.

Bill Kasprzak
Moog Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jack Crawford [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 3:56 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: [TN] J-STD-001C STATUS
> Wanner, Gary and all--
> J-STD-001C has been balloted twice and still required some tweaking by the
> joint IPC/EIA committee.  I've finished the edits this morning and will be
> sending it to the committee for a THIRD ballot, probably out the door
> tomorrow.  The committee will be meeting to resolve any additional
> comments at the IPC Winter Interim Meetings in Tempe AZ Monday-Tuesday
> January 3-4 2000.  We'll know at that time if it's been approved for
> publication.  Jack
> ==========================================
> APEX - the industry's premier trade show in Electronics
> Manufacturing, March 12-16, 2000, Long Beach, California.
> More information on website www.ipc.org/html/apex.htm
> -----------
> Jack Crawford, IPC Director of Assembly Standards and Technology
> 2215 Sanders Road, Northbrook IL  60062-6135
> [log in to unmask]
> 847-790-5393
> fax 847-509-9798
> >>> Wanner Bernhard <[log in to unmask]> 12/09/99 04:57AM >>>
> I'm looking for a new bible (J-STD-001C): does anybody know, when issue C
> would be available?
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