Hello all again,

One day I will learn how to 'speak' English. I apologize for not making
myself clear the first time around.

I am not looking for specifications for the component packaging, I need to
find out what industry standards there are for the presentation of the
components to automatic equipment. In other words, QFP's come on trays, what
is the specification for the trays that these come in.

What is the minimum and maximum size of tray?
What polarity marking should one expect to find on a tray?
What, if any, quantity of mixed oriented devices are allowed in a tray from
the distributor/manufacturer?
What is the relationship of tray polarity to device polarity?
What size devices are expected in what size tray?

Like tape and reel specs for thru-hole packing. I have only found the
IPC-481 series which deals with the  carrier taping. I believe I have that
much under control, however I do need to address trays and tubes at least.

Maybe I am out to lunch on this issue? (Is that why I am this big?) I know
we made good use of industry standards for TH tape and reel specifications
and I am assuming (LOOK OUT!!) and/or hoping that there are similar
documents in the SM world!?

My immediate issue comes from the fact that we are getting some QFP's with
all the devices oriented in the same direction to each other, however, that
direction may not always be the same relative orientation to the tray they
are supplied in. I need to tell our vendors we want all parts supplied with
the same orientation, but I do not want to re-invent the wheel so to speak!
(OK, who said that.... I am not lazy,....well.....OK.....when you put it
that way!)

Still lost and flapping my wings!

Richard Hamilton
Clemar Mfg. / Rain Bird
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