I thought the original question was looking for names of pcb manufacturers in a specific region.  One that I wasn't in even though I'd be happy to visit or FedEx into.  Kinetic Circuits believe we can build anything and are willing to try.  We also focus on trying to keep our lead time short.

To enter into the conversation on why we don't participate in the technet:

Personally, I receive the technet in digest form.  By the time I get it and get around to reading it, a lot of people have already responded.  And frequently more eloquently than I could.  Also, in spite of twenty years in the business, I frequently feel like a rookie, or at least feel like I have limited experience, especially compared  to some who are answering.  My compliments to all, you're an excellent bunch of teachers.

Regarding our desire to keep our problems ours alone, every shop I've been at has experienced many of the same issues. I think that idea is reinforced by some of the exchanges here on the technet.   What's been different is how they approached the problems and almost always, how they resolved the problems.  Some times a band-aid, sometimes a real fix, frequently a shot in the dark.

To go onto a couple of specific issues raised,  I believe our biggest challenge for the future is educating customers.  Especially on the idea of getting the entire supply chain involved at the product development level.  If the board shop and the assemblers are involved with the designers, the whole process works better all along and for the entire life of the product.

Regarding design for prototypes vs. production, I would hope that you have enough standard items and practices in place so that the designs are produceable at all levels using common techniques and criteria.  All circuit boards are a lot of fooling around but we use the same basic techniques no matter what.  Some designs just require a little extra care and attention given to them.

We generally don't refer to the various levels when discussing boards and applications.  We tend to believe that everything is going into something critical and try to provide the best board possible all of the time.  If nothing else, the board is critical to the product for that customer.  It could be his only board in his only product...

While I would love to participate more in the technet and really appreciate all who do, I find myself too busy most days to do many things that are for the good of the company and the customers and the industry.  Just like all of you I try to contribute where I can.

Thank you.

Bill Anderson
Kinetic Circuits