I need to obtain information and vendor contacts on antitarnish materials
used for current flexible and rigid PWB processing in outside industry.
Some of the information I need is:

1) What are the antitarnish chemicals currently used and what are their
chemical compositions?

2) How, when, and where in the PWB fabrication processing are the
antitarnish materials applied? I need information especially for flexible
circuit processing (print & etch, plated).

3) What are the major problems associated with using antitarnish materials?
(solderability issues,...)

4) Are antitarnish materials used in separate processing tanks or with
rinse waters on conveyorized equipment? If so, how?

We are experiencing discoloration on copper clad flexible material
currently cleaned prior to coverlay lamination in next assembly (Purple

Any information and companies that I may contact on this subject would be
greatly appreciated.


Joe Slanina


AlliedSignal Federal Manufacturing & Technologies
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