Hi All - The old mail system gobbled this one up and kinda spit it back in
pieces, so I don't know if any of all of it got distributed earlier, but will
try again - Kelly

Mornin' Steve & All -

IPC-SM-840C, para. 3.3.3, titled Solder Mask/Production Board Process
Qualification Assessment spells out a set of tests that are to be performed by
the board fab house and/or user.  Included in this is "Resistance to Assembly
Process and Chemistry" which requires the mask be tested by processing in the
appropriate flux and cleaner specified in the procurement document.

Having been burnt by this item more than once, I guess you can tell I'm more
than a bit sensitive to the issue.  In our case, we've tested a number of
masks thru our internal processes and impose that listing on our board
suppliers to limit the specific solder masks coming in.

Steve, as Steve Mikell noted, you've hit about the same combination that we
got stung by at one time.  Darned if I know another way to solve the issue,
other than limiting the masks to those you've tested and know to be compatible
your internal processes.  I'm leery of just asking the fab house to test the
specific solvents, because they have no way of knowing how many cleaning
cycles, duration, spray pressures, etc.

Y'all have a good weekend 'n holiday.

By the bye, since this is Friday, should we also declare it another "STEVE

Regards - Kelly

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