Hello to you,

presently I have a concern regarding the rework of the BGA carrying

So, we remove the bad BGA, then we clean the pads of the PCB. The problem is
this cleaning. The non-fluxed solder wick (pure copper) on which we apply
the rework flux used subsequently on the pads when placing the new BGA
doesn't work very well, we have to heat a lot before the solder starts to
go. The normal, rosin solder wick, works fine, but leaves the burned rosin
on the board.
All the stuff mentioned is no-clean.

My question is: Is it reliable to use the rosin solder wick? We clean the
remains with IPA, but still, when the rework flux is applied, won't we get
some funny reaction between the two chemicals, creating voids or keeping the
joint from being reliable?

Are there any IPC speciffications regarding this?

Thanks,     Ioan