In Circuit World Vol. 24, No 3, p. 38, Brian Ellis gives a review of the
Dogpile search engine which you may find interesting.
Cathy Aplin

-----Original Message-----
From: TechNet [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of DOUG W.TURNER
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 1999 5:29 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [TN] [ Re: [TN] Search Engines]

Here is my favorites:
1. SavvySearch
2. Dogpile
3. Inference find
4. Ask Jeeves

Good Luck

       "Stephen R. Gregory" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
In a message dated 2/24/99 8:30:49 AM Pacific Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< Hi everyone,

 I had an Idea that could be useful to everyone...

 If each person would e-mail me (or Technet) with their favorite search
 engine(s) in order of best first, I'd be glad to compile it into a useable
 list in order of user preference and send it back to Technet for all to

 (Maybe I'm trying to make up for slamming Steve with the calculator?)

 Ed Popielarski
 QTA Machine
 10 Mc Laren, Suite D
 Irvine, Ca. USA 92618
 Ph: (949)581-6601
 Fx: (949)581-2448
 E-Mail: [log in to unmask] >>

Hey there Ed!

     No need to "make-up" for that math deal...heck, after that happened I
a holiday named after me...who woulda' thunk that? (GRIN)

     Anyways, I use something called WebFerret mostly, it's pretty good you
download it and install it on your own 'pooter and it uses eight other
at the same time to search (Lycos, AltaVista, Excite, Snap, etc.). It can be
downloaded at

     'Nuther good one is Mamma (The mother of all search engines, they
it can be had at (where else?)

      Don't be put off this ones name, but another good one is DogPile at
guessed it...) I like the button they have next to the
keyword box that you type in what you're looking for, instead of "Search",
has "Fetch"...DogPile? Fetch? Get it? (I knew you would...GRIN)

      And last but not least, a search engine that comes from the British
blokes called GOD...(WOW! I didn't know HE lived in the UK!)

      It's not really THE God...just joshin'. But what's unique about this
engine is that you can specify by country what you're trying to find. It can
be found at www.GOD.Co.UK

-Steve Gregory-

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