Hello folks,

Happy election day to those in the States!

We've had problems with rigid flex boards failing for separation between the
innerlayer trace and the PTH barrel after assembly (they passed ET before
assembly, but they have an open due to this defect after). To try and catch
them before assembling them, our board supplier suggested a heated
electrical test. We've done this once before, and we were able to catch some
of the problems. I feel the need to do it again (same vendor, we need the
boards) before running a batch, but now I'm starting to wonder if this test
will have the potential to induce failures.

Here are the parameters:
250 F
2 hours
test hot

The temperature is the same temp we use for pre-bake during assembly (to
drive off moisture for delamination). Does this test have the potential to
cause any additional problems? Anybody have any suggestions for how to check
these boards before use?


Matthew Sanders
PWB Procurement Engineer, Trimble Navigation Limited
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Phone: (408) 481-7817
Fax: (408) 481-8590

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