On 12 Oct 98 at 9:59, Scott Decker wrote:
> a Swiss company that made some also but I don't remember the name.
> Very expensive though, $30.00 + bucks but also very good. If you need the
> name send me mail off-line and I'll check at home for the name.
Should be EREM? The company is a member of Cooper Tools and you
should get prices and cataloges from every address which has Weller
or check out their web page http://www.coopertools.com.
Very expensive, yes, but you can't kill them if you are no engineer
;-) (I'm engineer, but I did not succeed in killing one of these
Matthias Mansfeld
Matthias Mansfeld Elektronik
* Printed Circuit Board Design and Assembly
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Internet: http://www.mansfeld-elektronik.de

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