The following message is posted at the request of the leaders of the IPC Cleaning and
Coating Committee:

The response to a recent TechNet message (see below) polling member interest in
having a conformal coating forum/panel discussion at the Providence meeting has been
sufficient to warrant a session.  The session will beheld Wednesday, 28 October,
starting at 1:00 PM after the lunch break.  The session will start off with short
presentations by users, customers and material suppliers on application, performance
and design issues associated with conformal coatings followed by an audience/panel
question and answer session.  The desired deliverable from the session will be a
decision on whether or not further work should be pursed by the IPC membership to
develop additional standards, guidelines, etc. addressing conformal coating design,
application and testing issues.

If you are interested in attending the session, please respond back to IPC
([log in to unmask]) so we will have an indication of the room size required and
don't forget to early register for the Providence meeting.

------ Original 18 August 1998 TechNet Message ------

Recently there have been several questions on actual long term field performance of
conformal coatings based on several anecdotal observations.  There are numerous
specifications and standards that address conformal coating material
performance/qualification, design and application requirements.  However, very little
documented correlation exists between design requirements and actual long term
performance under field conditions.  In addition, standard communication of design
requirements related to conformal coating and what performance should reasonably be
expected from such coatings (i.e., the myth that conformal coatings are impervious to
water/water vapor, etc.) does not appear to be clearly and/or readily recognize in
the industry.

IPC and the Cleaning and Coating Committee are considering holding a forum/panel
discussion on the above issues at the fall IPC committee meetings to be held as part
of IPC/SMTA Electronics Assembly Expo in Providence, RI October 24-29.  Several users
and customers (FAA, etc.) have expressed interest in such a forum.  The objective
would be to have a short presentation from conformal coating users, FAA, material
suppliers, etc., addressing the above issues and any data supporting recommendations
whether or not further work should be pursed by IPC membership in this area.

Here's where we need your help!  We're trying to determine if there is a significant
interest from IPC members and other users to support holding such a discussion in

If your believe the subject is of sufficient interest and would consider attending an
open panel discussion, audience question and answer session on this subject, please
contact Jack Crawford a the IPC ([log in to unmask]) by 28 August to indicate your
level of interest.  We will use the results of this poll to determine if such a
session should be organized.

------ End of 18 August TechNet message ------

IPC/SMTA Electronics Assembly Expo
Technical Committee Meetings, Conference, Exhibits
Providence RI   October 24-29
More info at

Jack Crawford, IPC Project Manager - Assembly
2215 Sanders Road, Northbrook IL  60062-6135
[log in to unmask]      847-509-9700 x 393     fax 847-509-9798

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