NOTE: This message was supposed to be sent on last Friday, but was delayed due to the
technical problems with our mail gateway.


First, let me apologize for the recent misbehavior of our mail forum server (messages
without subject), which was caused by a broken mail gateway on one of forum's
subscriber's mail servers, which was corrupting the messages. They fixed the problem,
and hopefully it will not happen again. Thank you for your patience in dealing with
this situation.

Some clarification on posting messages to the forum:

When you send a message, the server responds with the confirmation message, saying
that "your message was delivered to the forum, etc.", but, by default, the copy of
your message is NOT sent to you. In other words, when you send a message to the
forum, you do not receive it back as a posting. However, you can change this default
for yourself by executing following:

Send a message:
To: [log in to unmask]
Message: set <forum name> <option>

Options Include:
ACK - A short confirmation message is sent to the sender of the posting (default)
NOACK - No posting acknowledging is sent

REPRO - You receive a copy of your own postings
NOREPRO - You do not receive a copy of your own postings

For example, to receive both confirmation of the posting and the posting itself for
your TechNet subscription, send a command:

To receive only your posting but not the posting acknowledgment:

Also, there are few more commands you can use:

QUERY - Command returns your subscriber options. To be executed correctly, the
message must be sent from the address about which you are making a query. The syntax

QUERY <forum name>

Also, wildcards are supported. For example, sending a command
will return a list of all forums to which you are subscribed, with all subscriber
options for these forums.

THANKS - You can send this command to see if the server is alive, and the messages to
and from the server are delivered normally. The server politely responds, "You're

Please note that the commands, addresses and forum names are not case sensitive, and
you can send as many commands as you need in one message as long as they are on the
separate lines.

You can find these and other instructions on the IPC E-Mail Forums web page at

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Dmitriy Sklyar
Electronic Communications Manager
2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
voice :  847-509-9700 ext. 311
fax     :  847-509-9798
e-mail :  [log in to unmask]
URL   :

DesignerCouncil E-Mail Forum provided as a free service by IPC using LISTSERV 1.8c
To subscribe/unsubscribe, send a message to [log in to unmask] with following text in the body:
To subscribe:   SUBSCRIBE DesignerCouncil <your full name>
To unsubscribe:   SIGNOFF DesignerCouncil 
Please visit IPC web site ( for additional information.
For the technical support contact Dmitriy Sklyar at [log in to unmask] or 847-509-9700 ext.311