I'd suggest contacting either Dupont (919-248-5000)  or Heraeus
(610-825-6050) about general thick film questions.  My company makes
a variety of thick film products, and can easily make 5 mil traces
and spacings using normal screen printing techniques, and fill 8 mil
vias.  Diffusion patterning can create 5 mil vias.  In addition, the
new etchable gold process (which we are currently evaluating),
reportedly can achieve 0.5 mil lines and spaces (useful for flip chip
applications).  The major thick film companies are usually very
willing to share info on exact processes and setups.

Brett Goldstein.
EVI, Inc.
> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if there anybody could share with me any information or
> suggestion related to via size, trace width and spacing optimization
> applicable to the thickfilm process. I mean techniques that will allow a
> design to beat 10 mil trace width and 10 mils spacing between lines.
> Some techniques may be useful (diffusion patterning, etching, mesh size and
> new pastes) for both (via and lines) but I do not have any information on
> that. If you do so, I will appreciate having that. If there is anything else
> to achieve that, I'm also interested.
> Thanks in advance

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