I believe design complexity  is a combination of

1. Component  Selection
       * Number of leads/pads
       * Number of components
       * Type of components. For example:  0402 vs 1205, 15 mils vs 25 mils

2. PCB design (Layout)
       * Number of Layers
       *  Number of vias
       * PCB Area
       * PCB Fab.
       * Design rule violation
       * Poor design practice

3.  Process Conformance
       * Equipment Compatibility
       * Process Compatibility (flux, cleaner...etc.)

4. Mechanical Assembly
       * Boothroyd Dewhurst DFM approach
     - Number of parts, screws
     - Cycle time to assemble

Check out  the following reference too!
     - 1983 Boothroyd Dewhurst Hand book
     - 1985 GE, Hitachi, Assembly Evaluation Manual
     - 1989 TI (Defense System) DFM program development
     - 1992 IBM Austin Design for Manufacturability Report Card
     - 1994 HP framework on launching DFM/A

Hope that helps,

Michael Yuen

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Subject: Re: [TN] Design Complexity