
I apologize for the confusion. The subroutine to the announcement program I wrote
that filters out such announcements had a bug, which is fixed right now. Until
someone proves me wrong again, no one should be able to announce the chat session in
the time period less that 23 hours from the time of announcement. You are all welcome
to try - only make sure that all forum name check boxes at the end of the form are
cleared, so no actual message would be originated.

Also, please note that the URL for chat and announcement pages have changed. Please
see the correct URLs below.

-  IPC Chat Room can be accessed at http://jefry.ipc.org/IPCchat/IPCchat.html or
  through the "IPC On-Line Services" link from IPC's homepage at http://www.ipc.org.
-  You can announce your chat session using the form on the IPC Chat Page
   under the link "Announce your own chat session"

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Dmitriy Sklyar
Electronic Communications Manager
2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
voice :  847-509-9700 ext. 311
fax     :  847-509-9798
e-mail :  [log in to unmask]
URL   :  http://www.ipc.org

DesignerCouncil E-Mail Forum provided as a free service by IPC using LISTSERV 1.8c
To subscribe/unsubscribe, send a message to [log in to unmask] with following text in the body:
To subscribe:   SUBSCRIBE DesignerCouncil <your full name>
To unsubscribe:   SIGNOFF DesignerCouncil 
Please visit IPC web site (http://jefry.ipc.org/forum.htm) for additional information.
For the technical support contact Dmitriy Sklyar at [log in to unmask] or 847-509-9700 ext.311