Our members have asked us for a method by which they can be notified when new and
revised publications are available. To achieve this goal, IPC has implemented a new
List Server that will automatically advise subscribers.

To benefit from this notification service you will need to subscribe by following
these simple instructions. (Note: Be sure and subscribe from the mail system and user
log in where you want the notifications sent.)

(1) Prepare an e-mail message to: [log in to unmask]

(2) The subject line will be ignored by the automated listserv processor, but if YOUR
e-mail software prompts you for a subject, just enter the word SUBSCRIBE.

(3) In the body of the message enter ONLY the following command line: subscribe
IPC_New_Releases <your full name> as in the following example: subscribe
IPC_New_Releases Jack Crawford

(4) SEND your message!

(5)  You will receive a message advising you that your efforts to subscribe were

Members of the Committees, Subcommittees and Task Groups and the IPC staff share a
tremendous amount of time and energy to develop Documents, Video Tapes, and
Interactive CD-ROMs to support industry for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic
Circuits. The most current listing of IPC published support media (in addition to a
wealth of other information) will always be on the IPC web site at
http://www.ipc.org/ when you click on the component marked "Bookstore".

For information about the electronic forums that IPC hosts, visit the IPC web site at
http://www.ipc.org and click on the small circuit card in the upper left corner that
says "Assembly". When that page is loaded, scroll down to the topic "IPC On-Line
Services" and select "Access IPC's Email Forums!".  These Forums are provided FREE to
current and prospective IPC members!

Here's another good tip. When you get onto the IPC Home Page, explore the other links
available! Check out the NEW Product and Service Locator Matrix by clicking on the
folder on the left side.  And don't forget to click on the components on the big PCB
picture at the top of the page that link to IPC Printed Circuits EXPO and the

Of course, we always welcome suggestions to make this Award Winning Web Site more
valuable to you. (see http://www.fusionproductions.com/mtlink/sld062.htm )

Jack Crawford, IPC Project Manger - Assembly
2215 Sanders Road, Northbrook IL  60062-6135
[log in to unmask]        http://www.ipc.org
847-509-9700 x 393
fax 847-509-9798

IPC Designers Council Mail List provided as a free service by IPC using LISTSERV 1.8c
To subscribe/unsubscribe, send a message to [log in to unmask] with following text in the body:
To subscribe:   SUBSCRIBE DESIGNERCOUNCIL <your full name>
Please visit IPC web site (http://www.ipc.org/html/forum.htm) for additional information.
For the technical support contact Dmitriy Sklyar at [log in to unmask] or 847-509-9700 ext.311