> From: Gloria Ebert <[log in to unmask]>
>      Would like information on ESD shoes and wrist straps.
>      Do they need
>      to be worn together if seated and feet are on the floor?


>      Do ESD shoes need to be tested daily??


>      as do straps


>      Please let me know any information you can. Thanks

Spam not intended, but, the IPC video series
by Ralph Hersey (formerly of IPC) is a great
series for anyone - from engineers to non-technicals.
Highly recommend it.

>      What are the advantages of ESD shoes

Longer wear than foot straps.
Everyone gets put on an issuance list for
easier control (ISO).
If your company flips the bill, people are
very agreeable to comply.
Depending upon the wear and tear of daily
work combined with the number of employees,
shoes could be cheaper than foot straps.