Merix Corporation has used the IST technology the past 8 months.  We use
the technology to optimize the reliability of the products we offer.
The IST results are used in process baselining, process introduction,
and material introduction.   Similar to Circo-Craft's comment, we
certify process and materials PRIOR to introduction into the
manufacturing process.

The IST journey for Merix began with a comprehensive acceptance test
plan.  We verified the machine heated the coupons evenly and to the
required temperature.  We also produced 3 lots of material with varying
level of separations (on purpose, not a random event).  We gave 1/3 of
the coupons to PWB Interconnect Solutions and tested the remainder at
Merix.  The equipment was repeatable from site to site and correctly
screened the levels of quality.  The IST identified failures were
confirmed by thermograph imaging and microsection evaluation.

Merix has completed 10 reliability studies with varying material
combinations (FR4, Getek, teflon, composite lay-ups) and technologies
(PTH, blind vias, and microvias).  The machine results have identified
problems that correlate to microsection results.  A key component to
finding the defects by microsection is using thermograph imaging to ID
the defect location.

The current status of the technology is a few companies own the
equipment and some companies use the test service provided by PWB
Interconnects Solutions.  IPC is slowly moving to evaluate the
repeatability of the technology and provide a standard test procedure
for the industry.

If you want discuss the technology in more detail, feel free to give me
a call.


Randy Reed
Analytical Lab
Merix Corporation
503.359.9300  x5-4421