
Go to Everett Charles Industries Home Page at

They have some interesting info concerning the specification of PWB
Electrical Test.


Nancy Nelson
Dell Computer
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Can anyone let me know where to start looking for inf. on electrical test
of bare boards.

We have made a decision to electrically test all Single, Double &
Multilayer boards. Is there a different callout that would be required for
each level of boards. Our level of classification would be IPC Class 2.

We have a note on our sister divisions fabrication drawing that says
"Electrically test to 100 Volts minimum potential". Is this sufficient?

At my location we are just beginning to call out on our fabrication drawing
the requirement for electrical test and I want to make sure we are
specifying correctly the  callout to test for shorts and opens on the bare
board. Is there anything else that we should take into consideration when
specifying electrical test of bare boards.

Thank you in advance

Steve Collins