
Yes, the California Circuits Association is very much active.  My name is
Dennis Maggi and I am the Executive Director of the CCA and am located in
Southern California.  My address is P.O. Box 51146, Irvine, CA  92619-1146,
my phone number is (714) 730-4586 and fax is (714) 730-4587.  You can also
reach me through my e-mail address [log in to unmask]  I would be more than
happy to met with you and discuss CCA's activities, they are no longer
holding monthly meeting in the Regional Areas and instead we have stepped up
our educational opportunities in both Northern and Southern California.

Please call me or send me your address and I can send you information on
membership in CCA.

Thanks for your interest and look forward to speaking with  you.

Dennis J. Maggi
Executive Director, CCA