Ditto Dieter!

>>> Dieter Beisiegel <[log in to unmask]> 08/07/97 08:09am >>>
David feel free to do move the printer, but please do not tell everbody
around the globe.
Kind regards,

From:   David Wilson[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Wednesday, 06 August, 1997 19:44
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        [DESIGNERCOUNCIL] IBM 4019 Printer


Clint spoke with me about moving the IBM printer near Marisol and
Valerie to order entry. Before moving it I asked and found out that
Jeanette and Christine use that printer for ASP. My question is can
another printer such as the one in the computer room be moved
downstairs instead? What printer redirection issues are involved for
those printing to the printer we decide to move?
