With the death of pine, I have no use of the machine in the copy room nor does the Tech Staff.  Accounting uses it sometimes but they could reroute to the one down there. (At least it used to be down there.  We print listings infrequently on the order of weekly as opposed to daily so it doesn't matter where it is.  The same could be said for the South printer.


>>> David Wilson <[log in to unmask]> 08/06/97 12:44PM >>>

Clint spoke with me about moving the IBM printer near Marisol and Valerie to order entry. Before moving it I asked and found out that Jeanette and Christine use that printer for ASP. My question is can another printer such as the one in the computer room be moved downstairs instead? What printer redirection issues are involved for those printing to the printer we decide to move?
