Plugging via holes with LPI solder mask is actually superior to trying to
tent them with dry film solder masks for a number of reasons:

1. When you plug with the LPI masks, you completely fill the holes with the
solder mask polymer. Therefore, the corrosive fluxes cannot enter the via
holes and cannot come into contact with the metallized hole where corrosion
problems and, hence, reliability problems can occur.

2. No dry film solder mask supplier can guaranty 100% perfect tented vias and
there is always a chance that some of the tents will crack or break. When
this happens, fluxes will enter the via holes and there is no way to remvoe
these flux residues. The end result is the potential for corrosion and
reliability problems.

Bottom line! Plug the via holes with LPI solder mask and don't try to tent
(you';; save some money too)


Larry Fisher
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