Let us try this again:
>The units for conductivity are mhos (inverse ohms) = Siemens.
>The units for resistivity are ohms.

Conductance = 1 / Resistance or   X mhos            =    1 / Y ohms 				
>     (Conductance)               (Resistance)

Then 1micromho = 1 X 10^-6 = 1 / 1 X 10^6 (1 Megohm) which does not = 1
Also, 20 micromhos = 1 / 50 kohms

1 micromho can not = 1 megohm and 20 micromhos can not = 50,000 ohms or
they would be both a measure of either conductivity or resistance. Where
they are really inverses of each other a conductivity of 20 micromhos is
derived from a resistivity of 50,000 ohms. 

Semper Fi

>From: 	David Anderson[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, May 06, 1997 8:38AM
>To: 	[log in to unmask]
>Subject: 	RE: Need help on conversion -Reply
>I suggest you order the set of free handbooks from Omega.  I have volume
>28, but I think there have been updates.  You can order them off of their
>web page at www.omega.com.  According to their pH and conductivity
>handbook, page Z-14:
>The units for conductivity are mhos (inverse ohms) = Siemens.
>The units for resistivity are ohms.
>Conductance = 1 / Resistance
>Thus, 1 micromho = 1 x 10^-6 mhos = 1 ohm / (1 x 10^-6) = 1 megaohm.  From
>the example in the handbook, 20 micromhos = 50,000 ohms.
>There are usually probe constants associated with conductivity/resistivity
>meters which define the volume of solution between the probe electrodes. 
>As a result, a distance unit (cm for example) is usually included in the
>conductivity or resistivity units.  Perhaps the distance unit is confusing
>the conversion.
> ----------
>From: Ed Cosper
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Need help on conversion
>Date: Monday, May 05, 1997 9:59AM
>Can anyone tell me how to convert micromhos to megohms. I was told that 1
>micromho represent 1 megohm but according to the myron L EP meter that is
>used, the it doesn't seem to be 1 to 1.
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