From:  Stephen Ayotte
       EM Quality Engineering
       Bldg. 14-3 Col F5 5-1537
Subject: E. Nickel/I. Gold
Does the IPC specify the requirements for a surface finish of E. Nickel/
I. Gold when used for creating a solderable surface?

If not what documents are to be used for specifying this finish.

The attributes I am interested in are:
- thickness
- composition/purity
- hardness
- roughness (if applicable)
- adhesion or test method for adhesion
- anything else I may have forgotten that is important.

**** IBM MD Product Quality Engineer       ****
****       OEM Quality Engineer            ****
**** Interenterprise Address: USIB6CEF     ****
**** Internet Address: [log in to unmask] ****

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