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Date: Wed, 19 Mar 97 16:33:38 PST
From: "TOM BRESNAN" <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: Re[2]: Pulse plating of copper and tin/lead
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     Another option would be to panel plate, then print and etch the outer 
     layers (assuming HASL or other finish)

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Pulse plating of copper and tin/lead
Author:  [log in to unmask] at INTERNET_GATEWAY
Date:    3/19/97 3:57 PM

>I am working to resolve a problem in pattern plating a panel which has a ground
>plane on one side (40% plated panel area) and pads on the back side (6% plated 
>panel area).  We use modern DC rectifiers, one for each side, which share the 
>cathode connection.  The panels overplate the back (6%) side even with the 
>corresponding rectifier turned off.   Our only solution was to place current 
>robbers on the back side which are selectively etched off in a later operation.
>I have been given information that "pulse plating" could allow us to plate this
>design with out any modifications to the plating areas.  My question is:
>1. Does anyone currently use "pulse plating" in a pattern plating operation? 
>2. Would this technology make plating this type of unbalanced design easier? 
>Thanks,        Rick Haynes
>              Texas Instruments Printed Circuit Resources 
>              512-250-7823   [log in to unmask]
Hi Rick,
Have you thought of panel plating the copper and then imaging to pattern 
plate the tin-lead. We do this on some unplateable designs and it solved 
the problem completely.
Paul Gould
Teknacron Circuits Ltd
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